How the Investment Accelerator Fund Can Grow Your Tech Company

The Government of Ontario is providing funding to technology companies in the province to help grow economically sustainable companies and creating high-value jobs. Technology companies and entrepreneurs should consider this funding as a great opportunity to grow their business without increasing their debt. What is the IAF? Provided by MaRS, the IAF is a government…

Do You Need Help Commercializing Your Innovations?

The downturn of the economy has wreaked havoc on many small businesses’ cash budgets. Technology companies that invest in research and development of new innovations are finding it harder to bring their advancements to market due to these financial constraints. Fortunately, The Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation has created the Innovation Demonstration Fund (IDF)…

Benefits of the Ontario Interactive Digital Media Tax Credit

How to Benefit from the Ontario Interactive Digital Media Tax Credit (OIDMTC) If you are an Ontario business that developed interactive digital media products, the OIDMTC can assist you with labour, marketing and distribution expenditures. Is My Company Eligible? Canadian companies that develop eligible products at a permanent Ontario establishment and file an Ontario tax…

Hire Science and Technology Graduates

Research and Development Support – Hiring Graduates Ontario Centres of Excellence offers support for Ontario Businesses to hire knowledgeable and highly skilled graduates from Ontario Colleges and Universities and the application process is open. The Provincially funded program provides employment opportunities to graduates with research and development expertise to bring results in developing new services,…

Research & Development – University of Waterloo

Lunch with Dr. Feridun Hamdullahpur, University of Waterloo Interim President Dr. Hamdullahpur is currently acting as the Interim President for the University of Waterloo. Preceding this role was his involvement at Carleton University in Ottawa, where he operated as the Provost and Vice President Academic from 2006-2009 and, before that, the Vice President Research and…

FedDev Commercialization Initiative

Partnerships with SMEs & Universities/Colleges To encourage post-secondary institutions in southern Ontario to increase partnerships with SMEs and undertake pre-commercialization and applied research development expertise projects, the Federal Economic Development Agency (FedDev Ontario) have provide up to $15 million in funding to accelerate the collaboration. The greater collaboration will enhance innovation, improve productivity and competitiveness…

Going Global – Funding for Doing Business Abroad

Dedicated to innovation, science and technology-based companies, Global Commerce Support Program provides support for accessing funding sources from Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada (DFAIT). The objective is to promote and enhance Canada’s international innovation efforts by pursuing collaborative opportunities through the development of partnerships in other countries and economies with the key players. Going…