Export Market Access: Now Only For Events Before March 31, 2012

Please Note: Export Market Access is now closed and not accepting further applications. For trade show grants and other forms of export support, learn more about the CanExport program. You might have noticed a note on Export Market Access’ homepage: Please note we are currently accepting applications for projects that end prior to March 31, 2012.”. Export…

iSTEM Hiring Program Now Available at University of Waterloo

iSTEM Hiring Program Now Available at University of Waterloo

Before now, Ryerson University based out of Toronto, Ontario was the only school in Ontario offering the iSTEM hiring grant. University of Waterloo has officially changed that. Also known as the Graduate Enterprise Internship, the iSTEM program offers up to $15K towards the hiring of a science, technical, engineering, or mathematics student or graduate. The…

Ontario Government Grants for Hiring Interns

Mitacs Enterprise Program With a primary business focus on science, technical, engineering or math sectors, Mitacs is offering a new career development program called Enterprise Internships for iSTEM graduates and current Masters and Doctoral students to enable the growth strategies of small and medium sized companies. iSTEM – Talent to Support Business Growth This Southern…

The Community Futures Program: Repayable Financing up to $150K

The Community Futures Development Corporations (CFDC) in Ontario is a program, funded by the Government of Canada (often by FedDev) to help SME’s in rural Ontario to expand and stabilize their business in order to maintain or create jobs. The CFDC has established itself as a popular and successful funding program, with over 170 success…

Ontario Business Grants – Eastern Ontario Development Fund

The Eastern Ontario Development Fund was announced in 2008, as a four year program ending in March 2012, and is still accepting applications.  Previously, we profiled this fund in our July 2011 Blog and based on the near closing date, Mentor Works has researched the key eligibility factors and project criteria to contribute growth and…

ICI Capacity Buyback Program: Retrofit Subsidy for Water Use Reduction

Cities around Ontario have made an effort to reduce electricity and water usage in a number of ways, such as introducing the peak energy hour system. However, not all of their initiatives have the potential to increase the end-user’s utilities cost. Cities such as Toronto, York, and Guelph, Ontario are implementing the Industrial, Commercial and…

New Building Construction Program – Benefits to Energy Efficiency

If you are located within the Enbridge Gas Distribution area and intending to build for commercial, institutional or multi-unit residential occupancy, by following Part 3 of the Ontario Building 2006 – then you may qualify for NBCP savings. The program helps offset the costs of designing more energy-efficient buildings through incentives of $0.10/m3 of annual…

Collaborate with a College or University Through OCE Connections Program

The Government of Canada and Ontario Provincial Government are realizing the potential that exists when businesses collaborate with local colleges and universities. This can be seen in the increasing number of collaboration programs that are being supported by the Government, such as CONII, NSERC Engage, and Connect Canada. The Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE) is…

Ontario’s Value-Added Personnel Program – OCE

Ontario Centres for Excellence – Talent Initiatives To foster training, Ontario graduate students in science, technology or engineering or post-doctoral fellows may enrol in the VAP certificate program. The purpose is to develop essential entrepreneurship and business skills to extend their technical expertise. VAP courses are delivered by business school faculty across Ontario as one and…

Outsource Free Business Research Opportunities Through CBaSE

Outsource Free Business Research Opportunities Through CBaSE

The Co-operators and the University of Guelph have formed a partnership to create the Centre for Business and Social Entrepreneurship (CBaSE). Through this Centre, the University aims to aid the collaboration of University of Guelph students and professors with local businesses. Typical Research Projects CBaSE supports a number of projects that can be outsourced to…