Career-Ready with CTMA Webinar

Career-Ready with CTMA: Access Hiring Grants Starting July 15, 2019

UPDATE: View the 2020 application page for Career-Ready with CTMA. Ontario-based automotive suppliers are constantly seeking high-quality manufacturing employees. Recruiting youth workers is a great way to build your team, which is why the new Career-Ready with CTMA program has been launched, starting today, July 15. The program is specifically designed to close the skilled…

Top Alberta Business Grants

Business Grants Alberta: Top Funding Programs for Growth Projects

Alberta business grants and loans are an ideal way to support your organization’s upcoming strategic projects. Funded through the provincial and federal governments, there are a wide range of incentives that companies can use to offset costs and improve growth potential. It’s beneficial for businesses to create a plan of what to apply to and…

Government Funding for Hiring Internships and Apprenticeships

Government Funding for Hiring Manufacturing Apprentices and Interns

Hiring youth workers for manufacturing positions can be costly. With significant training and onboarding expenses that exceed the investment required with experienced labourers, the costs of recruiting youth workers can often outweigh its benefits. Still, employing apprentices and interns is an excellent strategy to overcome talent gaps. Manufacturers need to know how to incorporate a…

Attracting and Retaining Talent Event Oakville

[EVENT] Feb 7, 2019 in Oakville: Attracting and Retaining Talent

Targeted hiring and training programs can help Canadian companies scale operations and reduce talent gaps. But despite the clear benefits of workforce development, few companies allocate enough capital for attracting and nurturing world-class talent. Fortunately, businesses can learn more about Canadian and Ontario government funding for workforce development by attending an upcoming event. During the…

Digital Link Ontario Hiring Grants for Recent Post-Secondary Graduates

Digital Link Ontario: Hiring Grants for Recent Post-Secondary Grads

With the rapid growth of evolving industries such as information and communications technology (ICT), the need for digital skills has created demand for an estimated 216,000 additional technology workers by 2021. Companies need skilled personnel who can fulfill specific tech positions and develop and use these technologies in innovative ways. As small and medium-sized businesses…

Ontario Government Incentives for Hiring Young Talent

Employment Ontario Government Incentives for Hiring Youth Workers

As Ontario’s aging workforce draws nearer to retirement, it’s essential that companies have a plan for how to fill these roles. Recruiting students and recent graduates is a good strategy to overcome talent gaps, although employers often find it difficult to find and hire quality youth employees. The additional time and costs needed to hire…

TalentEgg Awards and Conference Event

June 26: TalentEgg Campus Recruitment Awards and Conference

For many employers, recruiting students and recent graduates is a challenging process. There are many hurdles to overcome, including targeting the right audience and branding your company profile to speak directly to youth. Fortunately, resources like TalentEgg are available to support the hiring of students and youth that are early in their careers. TalentEgg is…

Grants for Hiring STEM Employees

Invest in STEM Top Talent and Offset Payroll Costs with Hiring Grants

Across Canada, companies face various hiring needs throughout the year. In recent years, businesses have expressed a strong demand for technical talent, specifically for STEM-related (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) positions. In the past year alone, over 39,500 positions have been created to support STEM jobs and by 2020, it’s expected that at least tech…

Hiring and Training Technology Sector Employees

Webinar: Funding to Develop World-Class Tech Talent (March 20)

Targeted training programs are one of the most effective ways for technology companies to scale operations quickly and efficiently. By providing managers and employees with training, companies can develop new products and services to improve their competitive position. But despite the clear benefits of skills development in the technology industry, few companies allocate enough capital…