CME-FedNor Assessments: Targeted Manufacturing Initiative for Northern Ontario

CME-FedNor Assessments: Targeted Manufacturing Initiative for Northern Ontario

FedNor is a regional development organization focusing on helping manufacturers operating in Northern Ontario. Through a variety of government funding and support services, FedNor has played a vital role in strengthening businesses and communities across the region. CME’s Role in Offering Funding for Operational Assessments in Northern Ontario Realizing the importance of operational assessments in…

Funding, Insurance, and Financing Options for Small Business Workshop in Pickering, ON

Funding, Insurance, and Financing Options for Small Business Workshop in Pickering, ON

Join Export Development Canada (EDC), Royal Bank of Canada (RBC), the City of Pickering, and Mentor Works for a Free Small Business Workshop on Tuesday, October 7th, 2014 from 7:30am to 9:45am at the Pickering Recreation Complex in Pickering, Ontario. Learn about Insurance products, financing options, and small business grants and loans available to help…

Access Small Business & Start-up Support Services through CFDC

Access Small Business & Start-up Support Services through CFDC

This Canadian government funding program supports small businesses and start-ups through the 61 Community Futures Development Corporations (CFDCs) across Ontario. FedDev Ontario serves Southern and Eastern Ontario through 37 regional CFDC offices, and FedNor serves Northern Ontario through 24 regional CFDC offices. The program offers a range of business funding to support small businesses develop…

Maximize Funding for Digital Media with Grants, Loans & Tax Credits

Maximize Funding for Digital Media with Grants, Loans & Tax Credits

There are several options for companies engaged in developing interactive digital media products in Canada, including: Ontario government grants, Canadian small business loans, and both national & provincial tax credits. It is important to understand the difference between these funding instruments in order to maximize a digital media firm’s funding potential while improving project scope,…

FAQs: NOHFC Expansion Projects Grants for Businesses in Northern Ontario

FAQs: NOHFC Expansion Projects Grants for Businesses in Northern Ontario

The Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation (NOHFC) offers a variety of grants for businesses located in, or expanding to Northern Ontario. The Business Expansion Projects funding program offers financial support for Northern Ontario businesses looking to expand operations. How much funding does the Business Expansion Projects program provide? This grants for businesses in Northern Ontario…

FAQs Investing in Business Innovation for Angel Networks

FAQs Investing in Business Innovation for Angel Networks

Investing in Business Innovation for Angel Networks is operated by the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario) as a part of Southern Ontario Prosperity Initiatives (SOPIs).  Canadian business grants offered through the Investing in Business Innovation (IBI) Program funds projects that attract investment and increase efficiency and effectiveness of investment in innovative,…

How to Qualify for Growing Forward 2 for Producers Project Implementation

How to Qualify for Growing Forward 2 for Producers Project Implementation

Ontario-based agri-food producers can take advantage of small business government grants for agriculture offered from the Growing Forward 2 (GF2) Ontario program to implement projects that expand and grow their Ontario-based farm or production businesses. Growing Forward 2 Ontario Funding for Project Implementation The Project Implementation stream of Growing Forward 2 Ontario provides funding of…

FAQs: AgriInnovation Industry-led Research and Development

FAQs: AgriInnovation Industry-led Research and Development

The AgriInnovation program, offered through Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC), has two streams of funding: Industry-led R&D Projects and Enabling Commercialization & Adoption. This article intends to answer some of the most frequently asked questions regarding the Industry-led Research and Development stream of the Growing Forward 2 Federal Program, AgriInnovation. Who is eligible to apply…

Youth Employment Fund (YEF) Offers Ontario Employers up to $6,800 Wage Subsidy

Youth Employment Fund (YEF) Offers Ontario Employers up to $6,800 Wage Subsidy

As a part of the $295 million Youth Job Strategy, the Ontario government has teamed up with the Ministry of Training, Colleges, and Universities (MTCU) in order to deliver the Youth Employment Fund. The program aims to help youth between 15 and 29 years of age attain employment, with an emphasis on people living in…

Grants for Alberta Small Businesses: TECTERRA Geo-Placement Program

Grants for Alberta Small Businesses: TECTERRA Geo-Placement Program

Editor’s Note: Since this article’s posting, TECTERRA funding programs have been re-launched to provide enhanced support. For details of these new funding streams, visit Mentor Works’ TECTERRA program page. TECTERRA is dedicated to helping Canadian firms attract, retain and develop highly qualified personnel to support the continued success of geomatics technology in Canada.  In Alberta,…