Ontario Exporters Fund Small Business Grants

Export Manager Program: Hiring Grants for Business Development Hires

Please Note: The Export Manager Program is now closed and not accepting further applications. For trade show grants and other forms of export support, please visit our page on Business and Export Expansion Funding Programs. Trade barriers exist in nearly all industries, though with the advancement of e-commerce, free trade agreements, and government export support…

Jobs and Prosperity Fund Ontario Government Grants

Qualify for Jobs and Prosperity Fund Ontario Government Funding

Ontario’s future as a key economic player in Canada’s economy is heavily dependent on the health and success of businesses that operate in the province. In a technologically advancing global market, Ontario must be willing to invest in innovation to enable the province and country as a whole to become leaders in priority industries. To…

Early Stage Exporters Ontario Small Business Grants

Qualify for Early Stage Exporters Ontario Small Business Grants

Please Note: The Early Stage Exporters program is no longer accepting applications. Please explore the Export Market Access (EMA) program for exporting grants. Administered by the Ontario Chamber of Commerce (OCC) and FedDev Ontario, the Early Stage Exporters program is a variant of the Export Market Access Ontario government funding initiative to help fund key international marketing…

NSERC Engage Research grants

NSERC Engage Research Grants for Small Business Academic Partnerships

Canada is known for many things, one of which is the quality of our education. Canada’s post-secondary institutions continue to prove themselves as global contenders. In fact, McGill University, the University of Toronto, and the University of British Columbia all ranked among QS World University Rankings 2015/2016’s top 50 universities in the world. With such…

IRAP ARP Research grants for small business

IRAP Accelerated Review Process (ARP) Canadian Research Grants

Canadian small and mid-sized businesses (SMEs) are often the drivers of industry change, developing innovative solutions to complex problems. These solutions can increase productivity, reduce technical barriers, and provide new capabilities that expand product and service offerings. However, for many small businesses in Canada, a lack of resources restricts the amount of research, development, and…

Growing Forward 2 Grants Ontario

Growing Forward 2 (GF2) Grants Ontario for Agricultural Processors

Funded by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA), the Growing Forward 2 (GF2) Ontario government funding program was created to support food processors, producers, and organizations/collaborations across the province. These Ontario government grants seek to encourage innovation, tackle key industry issues, increase market access, and grow the profits of Ontario food…

Greenbelt Fund Local Food Investment Fund

Greenbelt Fund: Local Food Investment Fund – Grants Ontario

The Greenbelt Fund is an Ontario not-for-profit (NFP) organization which works with a variety of food producers, processors, and government organizations to increase the amount of locally grown and processed food options available to Ontario consumers. In doing so, Greenbelt Fund has provided Ontario government funding to over 111 projects which has assisted in more…

Ontario government funding

Eastern Ontario Development Fund Awards $1M to Peterborough Airport

The Government of Ontario has dedicated up to $1,000,000 in Ontario government grants to aid the City of Peterborough. This Ontario government funding will be part of the $4,153,700 airport expansion project, which will invest in infrastructure, facility upgrades, and facility expansions for Peterborough Airport. This Ontario government grant investment aims to strengthen the aerospace…

When to Apply for Canadian Government Funding

Top Barriers to Receiving Canadian Government Funding

Small businesses often have difficulty when completing Canadian government funding applications on their own. A significant time investment must be put into researching Canadian government grants and loans prior to writing a proposal, application, or other type of documentation. Failure to understand all of the program’s details could lead to the business’ application being rejected…

Alberta Job Creation Incentive Program

Job Creation Incentive Program: 2016 Alberta Business Grants

Earlier this month, the Alberta provincial government unveiled a new 2-year, $178-million Alberta government grants program called the Job Creation Incentive Program. Alberta Premier Rachel Rotley’s government started off the press conference by expressing their hope for an economy less dependent on oil due to plummeting oil prices and shifting contracts. The Job Creation Incentive…