Call for Proposals: Business Funding Grants to Enhance Accessibility

The Enabling Accessibility Fund (EAF) offers small business funding grants for community-based projects throughout all of Canada. These projects must improve accessibility, remove barriers, and allow Canadians with disabilities to participate in and contribute to their communities. Government Funding for Small Business Details This Canadian grant funding for business program offers up to $50,000 in…

Last Call for Proposals: Hiring Grant Funding for Business via Career Focus

The highly successful ICTC Career Focus program offers business funding grants for eligible companies to hire a recent graduate. As mentioned in the Upcoming Grants for Small Business in Ontario blog, this program subsidizes wages of new graduates who will be hired to specialize in IT, business development, or online marketing work within the applying…

Canadian Federal Government Passes Job Creation Legislation

Recently, the Attracting Investment and Creating Jobs Act was passed. This Act has made the Eastern Ontario Development Fund (EODF) permanent and has created the Southwestern Ontario Development Fund (SWODF). These regional development funds for southwestern and eastern Ontario will soon be open and accepting proposals to help support local companies and help generate local…

Business Funding Grants Hiring Program for Science/Engineering Grads

The Graduate Enterprise Internship is a program offered by FedDev Ontario. This hiring grant funding for business program helps fund internships for small and medium sized businesses. This is done through select post-secondary institutions that are searching for SMEs who can take on STEM interns for a 6-month period. Eligible institutions include: Ryerson University University…

Ontario Government Funding RED Program Fully Subscribed

Currently, the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs is not accepting applications to their highly successful Rural Economic Development (RED) program. This popular grant funding for business program focused on the food and agriculture sectors in Ontario families and rural economies. Small Business Government Grants Overview This Ontario government funding program was created…

Call for Proposals: Business Funding Grants for Tourism Development

The Tourism Development Fund is an Ontario government funding program that helps support projects that encourage tourism investment, tourism product development and industry capital building. This business funding grants program focuses on the following: Supports innovative product development for emerging sectors that have demonstrated market potential Enhances the quality of tourism services, businesses and practices…

Optimizing Food Processing Packaging Grant Released

A new Canadian government funding program has been released that will help optimize food processing packaging. The Optimisation des Emballages en Transformation Alimentaire contributes up to 70% up to a total of $51,000 per food processor located in Quebec, Ontario. The company can then carry out up to 3 technical and economic analysis and 3…

NOHFC Youth Internship and Co-op Government Funding Program

NOHFC Youth Internship and Co-op Government Funding Program

The Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation (NOHFC) offers the Youth Internship and Co-op Canadian government funding program, which provides young northerners access to work placements and internships that will provide them with further opportunities to a successful career. NOHFC is investing in highly skilled young workforce and will prepare them for future employment in the…

Canadian Government Funding for Hiring for Food Processing Industry

The Sectoral Youth Career Focus Program is open to all organizations of the food processing sectors. The objective of the Food Processing HR Council is to provide well-trained and well-skilled workforce to the Canadian food processing industry via a wage subsidy. Sectoral Youth Career Focus Program Overview The approved projects will gain business funding grants…

Business Funding Grants – Interactive Digital Media (IDM) Fund

The Interactive Digital Media (IDM) Fund is intended to provide Ontario-based, interactive digital media companies with government funding as the final piece of finance required to move their eligible products into production. Selected applicants will receive a non-refundable monetary contribution up to $150,000 that cannot exceed 50% of the eligible project budget. As a leader in…