Small Business Grants for Hiring through YMCA HD-YIP

Small Business Grants for Hiring through YMCA HD-YIP

The High Demand Youth Internship Program (HD-YIP) small business grants for hiring sponsored by Human Resources and Skill Development Canada (HRSDC) and operated by YMCA offers young professionals an opportunity to build career-related skills and confidence while under the guidance of a mentor. HD-YIP Canadian Small Business Grants for Hiring Objective The government small business…

Top 5 Small Business Grants and Loans for Exporters

Top 5 Small Business Grants and Loans for Exporters

For a small or medium-sized business (SME), expanding beyond national borders is a big step that can offer tremendous rewards.   Successful entrepreneurs and managers know that decisions concerning the choice of market, taking on an acceptable level of risk and financial preparedness can make or break an SME’s expansion plan. Fortunately, there are resources available…

YMCA High Demand Youth Internship Program Small Business Grants

YMCA High Demand Youth Internship Program Small Business Grants

The YMCA High Demand Youth Internship Program (HD-YIP) small business grants program is sponsored by Human Resources and Skill Development Canada (HRSDC) and delivered through the YMCA. HD-YIP small business grants for hiring recent grads program aims to offer young professionals the opportunity to develop important skills while building confidence through the guidance and support…

Update: Small Business Grants for Hiring Recent ICT Grads

Update: Small Business Grants for Hiring Recent ICT Grads

May 2016 Update: The evolution of hiring grants within Canada has created several new opportunities for businesses in recent years. To ensure your business is considering the most valuable wage subsidy, use our free Wage Subsidy Identifier tool. By providing quick facts about your company and candidate, you’ll be matched to the best available grants for…

Top Small Business Grants and Loans for Manufacturing

Top Small Business Grants and Loans for Manufacturing

Mentor Works recently revised our list of the Top 5 Small business grants and loans programs for manufacturers in light of program changes. Among the countless small business grants and loans programs offered both provincially and on a federal level, small and medium-sized businesses in the manufacturing space qualify for a greater proportion than nearly…

Top Small Business Grants and Loans Programs for the Aerospace Sector

Top Small Business Grants and Loans Programs for the Aerospace Sector

In a previous post, Canadian Government Funding:  New Program for Aerospace Technology,  Mentor Works covered the Federal government’s announcement of close to $1 billion over five years through including an initial investment of $110 million followed by $55 million annually beginning in 2014 into the Strategic Aerospace and Defense Initiative (SADI) which will help fund…

NHM Small Business Grants for Ontario MedTech

NHM Small Business Grants for Ontario MedTech

The New Horizons for MedTech (NHM) program has begun receiving applications for its second round of funding.  NHM is an Ontario small business grants program supported by Canada’s Medical Technologies Companies (MEDEC), Canadian MedTech Manufacturers’ Alliance (CMMA), and the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario). NHM Small Business Grants Ontario Details NHM…

Small Business Grants & Loans for Startups

Small Business Grants & Loans for Startups

Economic Action Plan 2013 Update: In addition to the several small business grants and business loans programs rolling out over the next five years the Federal government will provide $60 million to aid outstanding Canadian incubator and accelerator organizations in expanding their services to start-ups.   A further investment of $100 million will be invested through…

Small Business Grants for Building Global R&D Relationships

Small Business Grants for Building Global R&D Relationships

Going Global Innovation (GGI) Canadian government grants for small business program was created and is managed by Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada’s Trade Commissioner Service.  GGI’s research and development funding is available to small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) to help stimulate potential R&D partnerships that benefit Canadian innovators and bring new products to the…

Agricultural Business Grants & Loans for Innovation & Technology Adoption

Agricultural Business Grants & Loans for Innovation & Technology Adoption

Cambridge, Ontario (Marketwire –June 4, 2013). Since the release of Growing Forward 2, Mentor Works has helped Canadian agriculture and agri-food businesses select and access small business grants and loans programs that fit their unique set of challenges and growth opportunities.  Projects that received funding have brought forth more efficient processes and strengthened competitive advantages,…