7 Funding Mechanisms to Assist Energy Projects

Please Note: Many of the programs listed in this article have closed since the blog’s original posting. To explore Canadian government funding programs currently available, please browse our small business funding directory. Operations managers of energy companies are constantly looking for ways to reduce costs and maximize operational efficiencies within their companies. The following seven…

Government Funding – Hire a Student Intern

The Small Business Internship Program The best option with regard to hiring for a marketing graduate through government funding is with Industry Canada’s SBIP. The Small Business Internship Program provides small and medium-sized enterprises financial support to hire a post secondary student intern to assist them in their adoption of e-business strategies to increase their…

Government Grants Ontario – Funding Technical Challenges

Accelerator Review Program, Small Projects with $50k Non-repayable Grant A popular funding mechanism in Southern Ontario is The Accelerated Review Process by the Industrial Research Assistance Program provides $50k non-repayable grant by supporting 100% of direct labor and 75% sub-contractors fees. How Funding Works The projects eligible are those that present a strong business case for technology…

Update Hiring Co-op Students for eBusiness Intiatives

The coop hiring program has received significant interest this year – it is called SBIP. We have talked about SBIP before and we now have more information for you. Follow the links on this and other hiring mechanisms  – but the projects that are eligible for co-op hire is geared to your website only. Getting your site rankings improved,…

How to Hire Students and Graduates – KW/Cambridge/Guelph

Using the two most popular government funding mechanisms for hiring (see previous blogs) to grow your business,  it may appear complicated or too good to be true at first glance. But SMEs have great potential to expand our horizons. I recommend contacting our local Conestoga college and Ken Buitenhuis [kbuitenhuis@conestogac.on.ca] for support on how to provide small business owners…

Hiring Graduates by Government Funding

New funding mechanism to support small business, with a maximum contribution of $30,000, for the financial support of hiring a graduate. The funding must be applied to hire a recent graduate in their area expertise for business development, marketing plans or technical development for a period of six months or greater. Through Human Resources and…

Government Funding for Hiring Graduates

New funding mechanism to support small business, with a maximum contribution of $30,000, for the financial support of hiring a graduate. The funding must be applied to hire a recent graduate in their area expertise for business development, marketing plans or technical development for a period of six months or greater. Through Human Resources and…

Going Global – Funding for Doing Business Abroad

Dedicated to innovation, science and technology-based companies, Global Commerce Support Program provides support for accessing funding sources from Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada (DFAIT). The objective is to promote and enhance Canada’s international innovation efforts by pursuing collaborative opportunities through the development of partnerships in other countries and economies with the key players. Going…

More Federal Grant Money

IRAP and Youth Employment Program Through Canada’s Economic Action Plan, the federal government is providing additional funding to the National Research Council’s Industrial Research Assistance Program (NRC-IRAP) to enable it to temporarily expand its initiatives for small and medium-sized enterprises. NRC-IRAP will receive total additional funding of $200 million over two years, starting in 2009-2010….

The Canadian Youth Business Foundation (CYBF)

The Canadian Youth Business Foundation (CYBF) is a national charity providing start-up mentoring, financing and business resources to help young Canadians between the ages of 18 and 34 years of age. Business start-up loans of up to $15,000 are available, with loan repayment schedules of between three and five years. Initiative Updated: $10 million of…