Government Grants Ontario – Supports Food Manufacturers

Food processors and manufacturers in Canada are able to receive financial support and international planning to participate in trade shows and mission events by working with Canadian Food Exporters Association. The next significant and important show is the ISM Show that will take place in Cologne, Germany from January 29 to February 1, 2012.  SMEs…

Opportunities Fund for Persons with Disabilities

Service Canada provides funding contributions towards helping persons with disabilities start their own business, increase their job skills, converge into the workplace through special needs services, and encourage employers to provide them with valuable work experience and skill development opportunities. The $30M program is called the Opportunities Fund (OF) and provides funding under two streams:…

Marketing Funds for Food Manufacturers – New Funds Released

AgriMarketing Program (AMP) As a food processor with an international market export plan, the objective of the AgriMarketing program is to extend the marketing capacity by supporting your market promotional priorities in international markets outside of Canada and the US. The program is to enhance the competitiveness of Canadian agriculture and food companies by providing…

AgriMarketing Program Funds Overseas Marketing Activities

UPDATE: The AgriMarketing program is now closed and not processing new applications. All applicants, even agricultural producers and processors are encouraged to use the CanExport program for all new applications.  Agricultural companies in Canada who want to expand their export activities into overseas sales markets are capable of receiving up to $50,000 towards their related marketing…

Develop New Agri-Tech with the Canadian Agricultural Adaptation Program

As part of Canada’s Economic Action Plan, the $163-million Canadian Agricultural Adaptation Program (CAAP) was designed to help Canadian agricultural firms adapt to new and emerging issues in the industry by developing and conducting pilot test on new technologies and innovations related to the agricultural sector. Eligibility Factors CAAP focuses on projects that seize opportunities…

Applying for ecoENERGY’s Clean Energy R&D Grant

The ecoENERGY Innovation Initiative is a new program and in the Budget 2011, the Next Phase of Canada’s Economic Action Plan, they received $97 million for a thorough suite of R&D and demostrating projects. The focus of the program is to encourage the production of technology that uses energy in a more clean and efficient…

Science Horizons Youth Internship Program: Hire an Environmental Science Graduate

Environment Canada is preparing for the 2012-2013 round of funding for their Science Horizons Youth Internship Program (SHYIP). Funding allocation will be announced in January, allowing more companies to partner with environmental science graduates in order to advance their research and development initiatives, while providing youth with a viable environment to develop their skills and…

Receive Compensation for International Science & Tech Partnerships

Announced by the Government of Canada, the International Science and Technology Partnership Program (ISTPP) is a five-year, $20-million program promoting and encouraging international collaborative research. By supporting research projects within the science and technology field, the ISTPP will build strong Canadian relationships with Israel, India, China and Brazil. Science and technology networking will foster new…

Obtain $1M Towards Chinese Business Partnership

The Ontario Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) have signed a very intriguing Memorandum of Understanding on Research and Innovation Cooperation (MOU) with the People’s Republic China. This Memorandum has many implications, one of them being very interesting to Ontario businesses looking to carry out business partnerships in China. The partnership program allows both countries…

Top 7 Canadian Agricultural Funding Programs

Update: View the latest Canadian Government Funding for Agribusiness blog The agricultural industry has been an increasing focus of the Canadian Government’s business support efforts. The Government is helping Canadian agriculture companies with R&D initiatives to combat environmental challenges, export expansion initiatives, and general operational improvements. Below are some of the top agricultural funding program…