Canadian Business Grants for Dairy Industry – Matching Investment Fund

Canadian Business Grants for Dairy Industry – Matching Investment Fund

The Canadian Dairy Commission (CDC) encourages the growth and innovation in the manufacturing and use Canadian dairy products and ingredients.   In support of the Canadian dairy industry the CDC has committed $1 million over a two year period to support product development initiatives under The Matching Investment Fund (MIF). The MIF provides non-repayable Canadian business…

EDC & Mentor Works Canadian Government Funding Workshop in Markham

EDC & Mentor Works Canadian Government Funding Workshop in Markham

This coming July 10th, 2013, Export Development Canada (EDC) will join Mentor Works Ltd.’s Founder and President, Bernadeen McLeod, for a Canadian government funding and export development workshop.   Come join us to learn more about small business grants and loans as well as how the EDC is helping Canadian companies respond to international business opportunities….

Research and Development Funding: NSERC CRD Program

Research and Development Funding: NSERC CRD Program

The purpose of The National Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Collaborative Research and Development (CRD) Grant is to promote learning, problem solving, and innovation between university researchers and businesses.  NSERC’s CRD research and development funding program also helps support Canada’s growth in innovation development through supporting projects which result in improved processes, new products…

Research and Development Funding for Infrastructure: LEF and NIF

Research and Development Funding for Infrastructure: LEF and NIF

The Economic Action Plan 2013 announces that The Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) will receive an additional $225 million in Canadian government funding which will be committed to advanced research infrastructure priorities and sustaining the long-term operations of the foundation.   The CFI is a not-for-profit corporation that supports the modernization of research infrastructure at Canadian…

Canadian Government Funding for AgriMarketing – Assurance Systems Stream – FAQs

Canadian Government Funding for AgriMarketing – Assurance Systems Stream – FAQs

Canadian government funding for small business through the AgriMarketing Program is a five-year (2013-2018), $341 million program offered through the Growing Forward 2 Program via Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) It consists of both government initiatives and contribution funding for industry-led projects.  What is the Objective of Canadian Government Funding for AgriMarketing Program?  The objective of…

Canadian Government Funding: New Program for Aerospace Technology

Canadian Government Funding: New Program for Aerospace Technology

Canada’s aerospace sector is optimistic about the $1 billion in Canadian government funding support for many of the recommendations contained in last year’s Aerospace Review Panel that was chaired by the former Industry Minister David Emerson. “It’s an excellent short-term response to the Aerospace Review report,” – Jim Quick, President and CEO of Aerospace Industries…

Canadian Government Funding for ESL Training

Canadian Government Funding for ESL Training

Government funded programs that offer free English as a second language (ESL) training and small business grants for hiring immigrants are a topic often overlooked by employers looking to hire international employees into Canadian businesses.  The benefits of these grants is obvious, whether your business is particularly seeking to hire a recent immigrant or not,…

Grow Factor Workshop: Grant Writing for Business

Grow Factor Workshop: Grant Writing for Business

For many small and medium-sized businesses finding and selecting among Canadian government funding opportunities and navigating the application process is a daunting task.  This is where Mentor Works Ltd. comes in.  If you are a financially stable company that is beyond the start-up phase, have been incorporated in Canada for at least 2 years, and partaking…

The Grant Application Mystery:  How to Find & Get Grants for Small Business

The Grant Application Mystery: How to Find & Get Grants for Small Business

We chose to shed some light on two of the most common inquiries related to how to find grants and the grant application process. How to Find Grants: Are government grants for small business difficult to access? A common misconception is that it is next to impossible to find and access government grants for small…

AgriInnovation Program: Commercialization & Adoption Stream

AgriInnovation Program: Commercialization & Adoption Stream

The AgriInnovation Program (AIP)  is a five-year initiative beginning April 1, 2013 through March 31, 2018, with a project completion date of January 31, 2018 to allow for a program evaluation to occur. The Canadian government funding for  via AgriInnovation’s Commercialization and Adoption Stream is focused on helping companies with innovative agri-products, technologies, or services…