Building Canada Fund Call for Proposals: March 31, 2014

Building Canada Fund Call for Proposals: March 31, 2014

The $14 billion Building in Canada Fund will be ready to accept proposals by the end of March 2014 said Prime Minister Stephen Harper while speaking to the media earlier last month. Building Canada Fund will Help Overhaul Infrastructure across Canada This latest plan to revamp parts of Canada’s aging infrastructure began with consultations with…

Investing in Business Innovation: Not-for-Profits

Investing in Business Innovation: Not-for-Profits

The 2014 Federal Budget pledged continuing support for through the Economic Action Plan’s Southern Ontario Prosperity Initiatives, which includes Investing in Business Innovation (IBI) Canadian business grants. IBI’s Not-for-Profit stream will fund up to 100% of project costs to a maximum of $20 million. Investing in Business Innovation (IBI) –Success Story Communitech Corporation out of…

Fed Strengthens Oat Industry through AAFC’s AgriInnovation Program

Fed Strengthens Oat Industry through AAFC’s AgriInnovation Program

Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz announced an investment of more than $3.7 million to benefit the Prairie Oat Growers Association (POGA) in order to help Oat producers sell a larger proportion of their crop in the global marketplace. POGA Receives Funding via Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) POGA will receive the more than $3 million in…

Learn about Government Funding at FABTECH Canada Event: March 19th

Learn about Government Funding at FABTECH Canada Event: March 19th

Mentor Works and Six S Partners will be at FABTECH Canada in Toronto on March 19th offering free informational sessions on ERP implementation upgrades and implementations and Canadian business grants and loans available from federal and provincial sources. Canadian Government Grants and Loans for Manufacturers –Event Details Location: Toronto Congress Centre, Room 4, 650 Dixon…

IRAP Canadian Small Business Grants for Technological Innovation

IRAP Canadian Small Business Grants for Technological Innovation

National Research Council Canada (NRC) provides a number of services to growing small to mid-sized businesses across Canada, including providing of financial assistance through NRC Industrial Research Assistance Program (IRAP) to in order to undertake technology innovation.  NRC-IRAP funding is typically released on April 1st of every year, which coincides with the start date of…

SD Tech Fund Program Accepting Applications Until April 16th, 2014

SD Tech Fund Program Accepting Applications Until April 16th, 2014

Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC) is a not for profit foundation that helps support clean technology through federal government grants programs. SDTC’s portfolio of Canadian business grants programs includes the SD Tech Fund, an initiative that has allocated over half a billion dollars in funding to over 200 projects nationwide. SD Tech Fund Canada Government Grants…

How to Apply for the Canada Media Fund Experimental Stream

How to Apply for the Canada Media Fund Experimental Stream

The Canada Media Fund is a not-for-profit organization that supports Canada’s innovative digital media content and software producers with business loans funding up to 75% or $400K to a maximum $1 million depending on the project focus. The Experimental Stream supports the development, production and promotion of innovative, interactive content intended for use in Canadian…

Peterborough, Sudbury & Niagara Create Jobs & Drive Growth through Gov’t Funding

Peterborough, Sudbury & Niagara Create Jobs & Drive Growth through Gov’t Funding

A few key cities in Ontario have been early recipients of Ontario government grants and loans programs aiming to develop local communities by helping small businesses expand and adding jobs. Flying Colours Corp of Peterborough received funding through Eastern Ontario Development Fund, while IBS and Northwest Fudge Factory took advantage of funding through NOHFC, and…

Canada’s Economic Action Plan 2014 – The Push for Continuing R&D in Canada

Canada’s Economic Action Plan 2014 – The Push for Continuing R&D in Canada

Businesses are buzzing following Finance Minister Jim Flaherty’s announcement of the 2014 Federal Budget on Tuesday. Among the Economic Action Plan 2014 hot topics revealed in the House of Commons, was the government’s continuing dedication to funding Research and Development in Canada. With a proposed 5-year, $1.6 billion of the budget dedicated to propelling Canada’s…