CME Smart Releases Excess Funds – Apply By June 27th

CME Smart, the popular government grant geared towards increasing operational efficiency, has released a small amount of rollover funding to support a batch of new projects due to project cancellations from the last round of funding. Eligibility Beyond the regular eligibility factors, applicants of this round of funding must have not received CME Smart funding…

CME Smart Program Funds 50% of Your Productivity Enhancements

The content in this blog article is out-of-date and references an older iteration of the CME SMART Prosperity Now program called CME Smart. For a more current overview of the CME SMART PRosperity Now capital equipment grant, please refer to our CME SMART Prosperity Now Page. Southern Ontario businesses looking to improve their operational efficiency will…

Regional Funding Resources – Top 5 Smart Development Programs

Are you looking for help financing your business, but having difficulty covering the expenses through conventional financing channels? There are several regional funding resources at your disposal to aid your business. These development programs aim to help businesses and create jobs to help the local economy. We, here at Mentor Works, have outlined a few…

CME Smart Funding Program for Manufacturers in 2011

The CME have released an update on available funding for 2011 – the Provincial Government of Ontario has decided not to recapitalize funding of the program in 2011 after the $4.2M that was awarded in February 2011. The dedicated funds will instead be utilized to eliminate deficit and bolster healthcare and education. It is not…

Government Grants Ontario – Funding Technical Challenges

Accelerator Review Program, Small Projects with $50k Non-repayable Grant A popular funding mechanism in Southern Ontario is The Accelerated Review Process by the Industrial Research Assistance Program provides $50k non-repayable grant by supporting 100% of direct labor and 75% sub-contractors fees. How Funding Works The projects eligible are those that present a strong business case for technology…

Canadian Small Business Financing Act

The Canada Small Business Financing Program seeks to increase the availability of loans for establishing, expanding, modernizing and improving small businesses. Under the program, a small business must apply for a loan at a financial institution (bank or credit union) of its choice. If the loan is granted by the financial institution, the federal government…

Funding Mechanism from Government

There is a new contribution mechanism, for industrial businesses incorporated in Canada, with eligibility criteria on the ability of SME’s to grow and generate profits through the development and commercialization of innovative or technology-driven, new or improved products, services or processes. Here is a small list of projects that are eligible to a maximum contribution…

More Federal Grant Money

IRAP and Youth Employment Program Through Canada’s Economic Action Plan, the federal government is providing additional funding to the National Research Council’s Industrial Research Assistance Program (NRC-IRAP) to enable it to temporarily expand its initiatives for small and medium-sized enterprises. NRC-IRAP will receive total additional funding of $200 million over two years, starting in 2009-2010….