Giving back to the community

Mentor Works Gives Back: Reflecting on Our 2015 Philanthropic Support

There are several reasons why people donate and volunteer their time to charities. The opportunities can have physical and social benefits, tax benefits, fulfil the desire to be part of something bigger than oneself, or bring a desired impact or result. From my participation at events such as Relay for Life and Big Bike for…

International Sales effectiveness training

Webinar on Selling in the Global Marketplace: Nov. 19

CME will be hosting a 1-hour Export Success Webinar on Effectively Selling in the Global Marketplace on November 19 at 11:00am to help early stage exporters. If your organization employs sales and business development professionals which engage with international clients, this webinar may be a good opportunity to increase their sales effectiveness. Keep in mind…

Canadian government funding for Barrie Manufacturers

Canadian Government Funding for Manufacturers: Nov. 20 Event in Barrie

Canadian manufacturers have a variety of financing methods to help them grow their business and increase productivity. Canadian government grants, loans, and tax incentives all provide benefits to Canadian manufacturers which helps them to strengthen operations and become more competitive globally. However, just 16% of manufacturers will be using government funding programs this year, according…

Small Business Funding for Advanced Manufacturing

Manufacturing Matters Conference Oct. 1, 2015

The economic success of London, Ontario is heavily influenced by the city’s manufacturing industry. Nearly 30,000 jobs in London are supported by advanced manufacturing, with leading organizations choosing to call the city their home. Companies such as 3M, Brose, and General Dynamics Land Systems have made a commitment to the area because of London’s favourable…

Canadian government funding and market expansion webinar

Register for CME Incoterms® 2010 Webinar

International Commercial Terms, often referred to in industry as incoterms, are internationally adopted rules and regulations used in trade documents. Incoterms are often presented in the form of acronyms, which can make it hard for new exporters to grasp the meaning behind these phrases. Learning and understanding these terms is key to being aware of…

defence industry event

Register for London Ontario’s Best Defence Conference: November 4, 2015

Presented by the London Economic Development Corporation (LEDC), the Best Defence Conference is an award-winning defence and security industry event which provides opportunities for national and international companies to network and understand key trends within their sector. Now in its fourth year, LEDC’s Best Defence Conference will be held at the London Convention Centre on…

International trade export expansion

Export Webinar: Avoid Common International Trade Mistakes

When exporting, even small mistakes can end up costing your business significant time, financial resources, and opportunities abroad. Complying with all international standards for trade is essential to ensuring a sustainable export strategy, however many Canadian businesses are unaware of common mistakes which limit business growth in foreign countries. To ensure your business does not…

Research and development funding

Attend ISPE’s Educational & Product Symposium: September 21-22

The International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering (ISPE) is a not-for profit association which seeks to advance the pharmaceutical industry through education and providing members with forums to exchange ideas and practical experience. Maintaining their educational goal, the ISPE will be holding an Educational & Product Symposium on September 21 and 22 in Ottawa, Ontario. As…

Canadian government grants for water sustainability

BLOOM Water Innovation Forum: September 16 in Mississauga

The food and beverage industry across Ontario is rapidly changing and must adapt to handle many unique challenges. At the forefront of these challenges is water scarcity which will continue to become a larger problem for the sector in years and decades to come. BLOOM, an organization dedicated to managing risk and delivering economic, environmental…

Canadian Government Funding for Innovation Event

Innovation Factory September 23 Event: Government Funding for SMEs

Innovation Factory is a Regional Innovation Centre (RIC) which assists startups and SMEs in the Greater Hamilton Area by helping them bring innovation to market and get their business to the ‘next level’ of excellence. Startups as well as established businesses can benefit from Innovation Factory’s resources which help to strategically build innovation into their…