Broader Public Sector Investment Fund: Promoting Ontario Food

Ontario food producers are being encouraged to promote their products within Ontario. The Broader Public Sector Investment Fund aims to help these Ontario food companies establish the potential market available in the public sector. This fund is designed to create partnerships between the public sector (ie. municipal daycares and long term care facilities, universities and…

Growing Canadian Agri-Innovations Program

The Growing Canadian Agri-Innovations Program is supported by the Canadian Federation of Agriculture and is an important tool to assist farmers, food processors, and researchers with introducing innovative ideas to the marketplace in less time. As a part of Growing Forward, a commitment between the government and the agricultural sector, this program will invest in…

Agriculture Initiatives – Regional & National Funding

Canadian Agricultural Adaptation Program The five-year $163 million CAAP program has the objective  to support new and emerging issues to seize opportunities in the agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector’s. The  government purpose is to advantage of circumstances to develop new products, ideas, technology, niche or market opportunity to the benefit the Ag sector. Although…