Search Results for: feddev ontario

Startup Funding & Support: Community Futures Development Corporation

Startup Funding & Support: Community Futures Development Corporation

The Community Futures Program provides existing small businesses and start-ups with up to $150,000 in financing to support growth, job creation, and regional economic diversification. This Ontario government funding program is administered by the 61 Community Futures Development Corporations (CFDCs) across Ontario. FedDev Ontario serves Southern and Eastern Ontario through 37 regional CFDC offices, and…

Access Small Business & Start-up Support Services through CFDC

Access Small Business & Start-up Support Services through CFDC

This Canadian government funding program supports small businesses and start-ups through the 61 Community Futures Development Corporations (CFDCs) across Ontario. FedDev Ontario serves Southern and Eastern Ontario through 37 regional CFDC offices, and FedNor serves Northern Ontario through 24 regional CFDC offices. The program offers a range of business funding to support small businesses develop…

How Early Stage SMEs Can Qualify for Investing in Business Innovation (IBI)

How Early Stage SMEs Can Qualify for Investing in Business Innovation (IBI)

In the winter of 2013, FedDev Ontario announced the launch of the Investing in Business Innovation. The goal of the program is to assist early-stage businesses in addressing challenges to growth and product commercialization. Funding from IBI is dispersed as a 0% interest loan and supports projects up to two years in length. Projects should…

FAQs Investing in Business Innovation for Angel Networks

FAQs Investing in Business Innovation for Angel Networks

Investing in Business Innovation for Angel Networks is operated by the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario) as a part of Southern Ontario Prosperity Initiatives (SOPIs).  Canadian business grants offered through the Investing in Business Innovation (IBI) Program funds projects that attract investment and increase efficiency and effectiveness of investment in innovative,…

How to Qualify for Investing in Business Growth & Productivity for Not-for-Profits

How to Qualify for Investing in Business Growth & Productivity for Not-for-Profits

The Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev) offers Ontario government funding programs through the Southern Ontario Prosperity Initiatives to organizations that play a role in developing southern Ontario’s economy. One of the key funding programs is called Investing in Business Growth and Productivity. IBGP Government Funding for Not-for-Profits: Company Eligibility Not-for-profits eligible for…

FAQs: Investing in Business Growth and Productivity (IBGP) for NFP’s

FAQs: Investing in Business Growth and Productivity (IBGP) for NFP’s

The IBGP for not for profits program is an Ontario government funding program with two streams – one for SMEs and one for not-for-profits (NFP). What type of funding is available for not-for-profits through IBGP Canadian government grants? Funding for not-for-profits is provided by the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario) as…

How to Qualify for the Advanced Manufacturing Fund

How to Qualify for the Advanced Manufacturing Fund

In fall 2013, The Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario) released new government funding initiatives for Ontario businesses. The Advanced Manufacturing Fund (AMF) was developed to provide financial assistance to businesses in manufacturing that are lagging behind and lacking competitiveness with respect to innovation, information and communications technology (ICT) adoption, productivity and…

FAQs:  Investing in Regional Diversification

FAQs: Investing in Regional Diversification

Investing in Regional Diversification (IRD) program is offered through FedDev Ontario and is focused on providing financial support to not-for-profit organizations that have the capabilities to develop regional economic opportunities that diversify the economy and result in the creation of new jobs. Who is eligible to apply for this Canadian government funding program? The FedDev…

Investing in Commercialization Partnerships FAQ’s

Investing in Commercialization Partnerships FAQ’s

Investing in Commercialization Partnerships is offered by FedDev Ontario as a part of Southern Ontario Prosperity Initiatives (SOPIs).  This government program is focused on providing funding for business led collaborations with academic or research institutions to develop innovative products that have high market demand and bring them to market readiness. Who can apply for ICP…

How Angel Networks can Qualify for IBI Government Grants Canada

How Angel Networks can Qualify for IBI Government Grants Canada

The Southern Ontario Prosperity Initiatives (SOPIs) from FedDev Ontario provide government funding opportunities to new and established businesses and not-for-profits. The Investing in Business Innovation (IBI) program also has a stream for Angel Networks. The funding from the IBI program is available to Angel networks as a grant towards project costs. IBI Government Grants Canada…