Search Results for: clean technology

Energy Innovation Program (EIP) CleanTech Grants

Energy Innovation Program (EIP) CleanTech Grants

The Government of Canada’s vision for a low-carbon economy has created numerous opportunities for businesses across the country. New incentives, such as the Energy Innovation Program (EIP), provide small business grants for clean technology research and development. This critical source of research and development funding helps companies bring their innovations to market faster, and strengthens…

Canada Declining in Market Share for Global Cleantech Industry

Canada Declining in Market Share for Global Cleantech Industry

The global clean technology (cleantech) industry continues to grow annually and is currently valued at over $1 trillion CAD. Canadian exports contribute over one percent of this total market. Of the cleantech companies established within Canada, the number who export has risen dramatically by 17% in the last two years alone. Still, the country’s market…

Call for Proposals: SD Tech Fund CleanTech Government Grants

Call for Proposals: SD Tech Fund CleanTech Government Grants

The Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC)’s SD Tech is offering Canadian government funding to innovators in the field of clean technologies. Eligible applicants are encouraged to apply from February 18 through April 15, 2015. The SDTC Fund is Canadian government funding for small businesses developing technology that will yield positive environmental changes. The funding bridges research…

FAQs: NextGen BioFuels Fund for CleanTech

FAQs: NextGen BioFuels Fund for CleanTech

Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC) is a not-for profit organization that provides funding opportunities for projects that create environmentally friendly and sustainable solutions. One such initiative provided by SDTC is NextGen BioFuels, a funding program to support the development and advancement of new alternative fuel technologies. What types of projects are eligible for funding from…

How to Qualify for NextGen BioFuels Fund Canadian Grants for CleanTech

How to Qualify for NextGen BioFuels Fund Canadian Grants for CleanTech

Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC) is a Canadian not-for-profit organization that supports and administers funding for the development of innovative projects that protect the environment or are more environmentally friendly than currently available technology. The NextGen BioFuels fund focuses on the development of new and innovative large demonstration-scale facilities for the production of next-generation renewable fuels. SDTC Canadian…

SD Natural Gas Fund – Canadian Government Grants for CleanTech

SD Natural Gas Fund – Canadian Government Grants for CleanTech

Well over half of Canada’s population rely on natural gas for power and heat in homes, apartments, buildings, businesses, hospitals and schools. With this in mind, the Canadian Federal Government, Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC) and the Canadian Gas Association announced the impending creation of a new Canadian government grant funding program to support the…

MaRS Investment Accelerator Fund Offers up to $500K in Equity Investments for New Technology

MaRS Investment Accelerator Fund Offers up to $500K in Equity Investments for New Technology

The Accelerator Fund (IAF) was developed to support world-class innovations in the field of information and communication technology, health care, and cleantech by providing up to $500,000 in Ontario small business funding. IAF Small Business Funding Ontario Invests in Ontario-based Technology Companies Offered through MaRS, the IAF government funding initiative is aimed at helping entrepreneurs bring…

NOHFC Ontario Business Grants-Applied Research & Technology Development Projects

NOHFC Ontario Business Grants-Applied Research & Technology Development Projects

The Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation (NOHFC) has new funding programs available to support the development of Northern Ontario’s businesses and economy. For companies involved in research and development efforts, the new Applied Research & Technology Development Projects funding program will be of significant interest. The NOHFC is interested in projects that are within the following…

NOHFC Business Grants Ontario: Applied Research & Technology Development Projects

NOHFC Business Grants Ontario: Applied Research & Technology Development Projects

Research and development is a large investment for any company, however it is pivotal in order to keep them competitive in the ever-evolving global marketplace.  Fortunately, research and development funding exists to bridge the financial gap through to the commercialization stage. New Ontario government funding is now being offered to Northern Ontario businesses faced with…

Top 3 Canadian Small Business Grants for Clean Tech/ Energy Conservation

Top 3 Canadian Small Business Grants for Clean Tech/ Energy Conservation

Improvements in energy efficiency and management & reduction of energy demand not only saves money while having a favourable impact on the environment, but also creates jobs and bolsters local economies. Whether your organization is doing its part by aiding knowledge transfer and communicating conservation skills in the workplace or developing next generation technology to…