Search Results for: business scale up

Canadian Government Funding Program - Mentor Works Ltd.

Digital Supercluster Technology Leadership Funding

Digital Supercluster Technology Leadership Funding Funding Amounts Vary From Project to Project. The Digital Supercluster Technology Leadership Funding is co-investing $20 million in bold and ambitious digital innovation projects. They want to support Canadian companies that will create new technology products, platforms and services, and scale-up through customer adoption and new commercial opportunities. Digital Supercluster…

Canadian Government Funding Program - Mentor Works Ltd.

Digital Supercluster Capacity Building Program

Digital Supercluster Capacity Building Program Funding Amounts for this Program Vary By Project. The Digital Supercluster Capacity Building Program supports Canadian businesses by co-investing in projects that help Canadians develop the skills, leadership and opportunities needed to grow innovative digital enterprises. Digital Supercluster Capacity Building Program Amount of Funding Funding amounts vary from project to…

Find Resources on Canadian Government Grants and Loans with Mentor Works Ltd.

Canadian Startup Funding Checklist

Canadian Startup Funding Checklist Build the Foundation for Funding Your Canadian Startup. Although the federal and provincial government create most Canadian government funding programs for established businesses, it is critical for startups to set a solid foundation early on in order to become eligible for this funding in the future. This checklist will help guide…