Search Results for: business scale up

How Early Stage SMEs Can Qualify for Investing in Business Innovation (IBI)

How Early Stage SMEs Can Qualify for Investing in Business Innovation (IBI)

In the winter of 2013, FedDev Ontario announced the launch of the Investing in Business Innovation. The goal of the program is to assist early-stage businesses in addressing challenges to growth and product commercialization. Funding from IBI is dispersed as a 0% interest loan and supports projects up to two years in length. Projects should…

FAQs Investing in Business Innovation for Angel Networks

FAQs Investing in Business Innovation for Angel Networks

Investing in Business Innovation for Angel Networks is operated by the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario) as a part of Southern Ontario Prosperity Initiatives (SOPIs).  Canadian business grants offered through the Investing in Business Innovation (IBI) Program funds projects that attract investment and increase efficiency and effectiveness of investment in innovative,…

How to Qualify for Alberta Business Grants for Hiring through TECTERRA

Editor’s Note: Since this article’s posting, TECTERRA funding programs have been re-launched to provide enhanced support. For details of these new funding streams, visit Mentor Works’ TECTERRA program page. TECTERRA is a not-for-profit organization that helps small and medium-sized geomatics companies in Alberta and across Canada. TECTERRA offers a wide ranges of funding opportunities including…

How to Qualify for Investing in Business Growth & Productivity for Not-for-Profits

How to Qualify for Investing in Business Growth & Productivity for Not-for-Profits

The Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev) offers Ontario government funding programs through the Southern Ontario Prosperity Initiatives to organizations that play a role in developing southern Ontario’s economy. One of the key funding programs is called Investing in Business Growth and Productivity. IBGP Government Funding for Not-for-Profits: Company Eligibility Not-for-profits eligible for…

Canada Start-up Visa: New “Express Entry” to Improve inflow of Entrepreneurs

Canada Start-up Visa: New “Express Entry” to Improve inflow of Entrepreneurs

On August 14th, Canada’s Citizenship and Immigration Minister, Chris Alexander was in Kitchener-Waterloo where he met with Communitech and other business leaders to discuss the Start-up Visa Program.  The program, which boasted of its first two successful applicants in July 2014, was designed to help make Canada the destination of choice for the world’s brightest…

Growing Forward 2 Ontario Business Grants for Project Implementation: Producers

Growing Forward 2 Ontario Business Grants for Project Implementation: Producers

The Growing Forward 2 (GF2) program supported by the Ontario Government, as well as the federal government, has announced the availability of funding for food producers for the Project Implementation Stream of the Ontario provincial funding variant. The funding from the Project Implementation Stream will awarded to projects based on merit. Projects must be from…

Guelph Startup Weekend is coming up August 15th-17th

Guelph Startup Weekend is coming up August 15th-17th

The first annual Guelph Start-up Weekend is happening on August 15th, running through the weekend to August 17th.Whether you are looking for a co-founder, new employees, or interested in learning more about what it takes to start your own business; everyone is guaranteed to walk away better-equipped for navigating the fun but chaotic world of…

Start-up Funding for Young Adults: Ontario’s “Starter Company Program”

Start-up Funding for Young Adults: Ontario’s “Starter Company Program”

The Ontario government is now offering young adults up to $5,000 in Ontario small business grants to start and or expand a business in Ontario. Who is Eligible for Ontario Business Grants for Start-ups? In order to qualify for start-up funding through this program you must be between 18-29 years old and a resident of…

FAQs: TECTERRA Industry Investment Fund Canadian Business Grants

FAQs: TECTERRA Industry Investment Fund Canadian Business Grants

TECTERRA is a government funded organization, located in Alberta, Canada that provides investment and grant funding, business support, networking opportunities and a laboratory for the Canadian geomatics industry.  What is the Industry Investment Fund? The Industry Investment Fund is a recurring Call for Proposals that enables geomatics companies across Canada to submit their commercialization ready…

2014 N100 Start-up Funding Award Winner Promotes Women in Technology

2014 N100 Start-up Funding Award Winner Promotes Women in Technology

Last year, Mentor Works informed its audience of an excellent opportunity for start-ups that takes place in Cobourg, Ontario called “N100.” The competition is run by Northumberland Community Futures Development Corporation (CFDC) and offers early-stage start-ups the opportunity to take home $100,000 in funding in return for setting up part of their business in the…