Search Results for: FedDev Ontario

FedDev Ontario: $440k for TechAlliance of Southwestern Ontario

FedDev Ontario: $440k for TechAlliance of Southwestern Ontario

The TechAlliance of Southwestern Ontario’s BURST incubation program supports startups in the medical technology sector that positions London, Ontario as a focal point for life science innovation. BURST has recently received a replenishment of funding which will allow the program to give more local innovators the chance to turn their ideas into profitable businesses and…

FedDev Ontario BSP Program: $5M+ for Advanced Automotive Technologies

FedDev Ontario BSP Program: $5M+ for Advanced Automotive Technologies

Canada’s automotive industry is one of the world’s strongest automotive supply chains. Because of this, Ontario’s vast network of parts manufacturers are exploring opportunities to become more productive, scale operations, and improve worker skills to support technology innovation. Two manufacturing businesses in Windsor, Ontario, Service Mold + Aerospace Inc. and APAG Elektronik Corp., have recently…

FedDev Ontario: $264k for Communitech’s Fierce Founders Accelerator

FedDev Ontario: $264k for Communitech’s Fierce Founders Accelerator

Communitech, based in Waterloo, Ontario, is a public-private innovation hub that supports tech businesses as they start, grow, and prosper. Their accelerator program, Fierce Founders Accelerator, is intended to provide companies with tools and resources to scale up their business. One of the program’s eligibility criteria is that the company has at least one female…

FedDev Ontario Invests $2M in Bioenterprise to Support Early-Stage Innovators

FedDev Ontario Invests $2M in Bioenterprise to Support Early-Stage Innovators

The Bioenterprise Corporation is Canada’s leading agricultural technology commercialization accelerator, dedicated to transforming cutting-edge innovations into commercial success. The company provides strategic connectivity, industry and technical expertise, and customized business advisory services to help advance innovative agri-businesses. Bioenterprise has recently received Ontario government funding which will allow them to increase the support they provide to…

FedDev Ontario Business Scale-up and Productivity Program: $10 Million

FedDev Ontario Business Scale-up and Productivity Program: $10 Million

Southern Ontario is home to many of Canada’s most innovative and globally-oriented businesses. But while significant growth potential exists within the region, it’s often difficult for companies to make large-scale investments in productivity-boosting technologies. Despite the long-term benefits of adopting or adapting technology, upfront project costs can impact cash flow and make these types of…

$15M in FedDev Ontario Funding Awarded for Advanced Manufacturing

$15M in FedDev Ontario Funding Awarded for Advanced Manufacturing

Ontario’s advanced manufacturing industry is a top driver of Canada’s economic performance. In 2015 alone, manufacturing sales in Ontario contributed nearly $290 million in GDP and sustained nearly 800,000 high-quality jobs. One of the reasons for this success is because Ontario government funding supports manufacturing investments that lead to productivity improvements, innovation, and international exports….

FedDev Ontario Devotes $4.63M to Support Energy Efficiency

FedDev Ontario Devotes $4.63M to Support Energy Efficiency

Energy efficiency is creating new opportunities for innovative, solution-oriented Canadian businesses. Across the world, consumers are demanding energy-efficient systems to replace old, outdated ones; this is especially true with building and property management. Although equipment and machinery located within buildings is becoming more sophisticated, the system used to deliver power has remained relatively unchanged. This…

Which FedDev Ontario Small Business Loan is Best for your Company?

Which FedDev Ontario Small Business Loan is Best for your Company?

Canadian small-and-medium sized businesses (SMEs) are vital to the success of the economy and well-being of all Canadians. In 2012, nearly 90% of the Canadian workforce was employed by SMEs, and these businesses were responsible for contributing close to 30% of Canada’s overall GDP. In Ontario, SMEs employ over 3.8 million people and are a…

FedDev Ontario Supports Northumberland Tech Startups

FedDev Ontario Supports Northumberland Tech Startups

FedDev Ontario recently announced their continued support for Northumberland Community Futures Development Corporation (Northumberland CFDC). The CFDC – a not-for-profit organization that delivers financing and business strategy to entrepreneurs – will receive a $1.1M expansion to their original pilot project which supported 22 tech startups in the area. The program also created 53 new jobs…

Artisan Metal Finishing Wins $974,338 in FedDev Ontario Government Funding

Artisan Metal Finishing Wins $974,338 in FedDev Ontario Government Funding

Artisan Metal Finishing is a London, Ontario based metal treatment and finishing company. Providing electroplating, corrosion protection, degreasing and other services, they have established themselves as leaders in the Ontario metal finishing market for over 25 years. Recently, Artisan applied for Investing in Business Growth and Prosperity (IBGP) repayable funding to provide enhancements to their…