Search Results for: Export Development Canada

Canadian Tax Credits and Business Funding Grants for Hiring Apprentices

Canadian Tax Credits and Business Funding Grants for Hiring Apprentices

Apprenticeship Funding Update: Read about currently available grants and tax credits to support the hiring and training of apprentices. As mentioned by one of our previous articles regarding the recent allocation of Canadian Government Funding to Skills Canada, the Federal and Provincial Governments provide significant amounts of funding to encourage young Canadians to pursue successful…

New Horizons for MedTech Program NHM

New Horizons for MedTech Program NHM

Canadian Government Funding to Expand Ontario MedTech Sector Through significant support from Canada’s Medical Technologies Companies (MEDEC), Canadian MedTech Manufacturers’ Alliance (CMMA), and the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev); The New Horizons for MedTech (NHM) program provides support and grant funding for small business in Ontario’s medical device and health technology sectors…

Canadian Advanced Manufacturing Expo 2012

AMEXPO 2012 offers a promising opportunity for Canadian businesses and industry professionals to collaborate and share their recent technological discoveries and process innovations with Canada’s advanced manufacturing community. The two day event will also feature several educational workshops where businesses can learn about the potential breakthroughs that are currently receiving research and development funding and…

OCE Embedded Executive Program: Business Funding Grants for Hiring Industry Experts

The Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE) are offering additional services and grant funding for small business solutions to executive and managerial challenges. The Embedded Executive Program provides financial support to those businesses looking to acquire the services and knowledge of an experienced entrepreneur or business executive for a limited period of time. Participating organizations will…

Online Tool for Canadian Manufacturers: Canadian Importers Database

The formation of a primarily local supply or distribution chain can be a daunting task for any Canadian small business owner. Most Canadian businesses find themselves unable to tap into their surrounding business communities for potential product suppliers or sales leads. Therefore, they are forced to rely on foreign sources as a means to meet…

Thinking of Expanding to China? Join CTT Business Mission to Hong Kong

Companies interested in international partnerships to carry out research and development or advanced manufacturing are invited to join Canada’s Technology Triangle (CTT) in their business mission to China from April 12-21, 2012. The trip will incorporate several business meetings and networking seminars with China’s leading businesses in the science and tech sectors. The mission intends…

Ontario Flagship Program – Supporting Medical R&D in Ontario

More research is being conducted by Ontario’s Medical Technology Sector through Canada’s new business funding grants. The Health Technology Commercialization Program (HTCP) is a Canadian government funding program that is administered by The Health Technology Exchange (HTX) and the Ministry of Research and Innovation (MRI). The HTX received 14.2M in funds to distribute business funding…

Valuable Business Tools for Small Business Expansion

Canadian SMEs have a wide variety of useful business tools at their disposal to help them circumvent the potential barriers to their growth. Some of these business tools can be provided to businesses free of charge through the use of Canadian government grants. The government provides a large number of services to encourage Canadian businesses…

Government Grants Ontario – Supports Food Manufacturers

Food processors and manufacturers in Canada are able to receive financial support and international planning to participate in trade shows and mission events by working with Canadian Food Exporters Association. The next significant and important show is the ISM Show that will take place in Cologne, Germany from January 29 to February 1, 2012.  SMEs…

Marketing Funds for Food Manufacturers – New Funds Released

AgriMarketing Program (AMP) As a food processor with an international market export plan, the objective of the AgriMarketing program is to extend the marketing capacity by supporting your market promotional priorities in international markets outside of Canada and the US. The program is to enhance the competitiveness of Canadian agriculture and food companies by providing…