Funding Mechanism from Government

There is a new contribution mechanism, for industrial businesses incorporated in Canada, with eligibility criteria on the ability of SME’s to grow and generate profits through the development and commercialization of innovative or technology-driven, new or improved products, services or processes. Here is a small list of projects that are eligible to a maximum contribution…

Community Adjustment Fund – Last Call for Submissions

The second Intake of CAF provides support to SME’s in Southern Ontario through a federal loan mechanism, at zero percent for 10 years. Community Adjustment Fund will prioritize manufacturing communities that depend on a single industry and has a population of less than $250,000, and supports economic recovery and job creation. The focus is on…

Going Global – Funding for Doing Business Abroad

Dedicated to innovation, science and technology-based companies, Global Commerce Support Program provides support for accessing funding sources from Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada (DFAIT). The objective is to promote and enhance Canada’s international innovation efforts by pursuing collaborative opportunities through the development of partnerships in other countries and economies with the key players. Going…

More Federal Grant Money

IRAP and Youth Employment Program Through Canada’s Economic Action Plan, the federal government is providing additional funding to the National Research Council’s Industrial Research Assistance Program (NRC-IRAP) to enable it to temporarily expand its initiatives for small and medium-sized enterprises. NRC-IRAP will receive total additional funding of $200 million over two years, starting in 2009-2010….

Rural Development Fund – Community Futures

As part of the Government of Canada’s Economic Action Plan to mitigate the impacts of the economic downturn, FedDev Ontario has commissioned the Wellington Waterloo Community Futures Development Corporation (WWCFDC) to receive applications for the Community Futures Rural Development Fund. This is a two-year stimulus program providing $450,000 for the region in its initial year…

New Tax Rates for Canadian Small Business to Boost Technology Adoption

To help boost Canada’s productivity through the faster adoption of newer technology, the new temporary 100-percent CCA rate will allow businesses to fully deduct the cost of eligible computers in just one year because the half-year rule will not apply. This includes for use in a business, new general-purpose electronic data processing equipment and systems…

Benefits for Small Businesses

There are seven reasons why thousands of business owners need a business or executive coach. Results are measurable. A good coach can show you how to get more returns with less work. Profit can be monitored. Through a critical driver approach and strategic planning new decision making processes are applied. You build a stronger more…

The Canadian Youth Business Foundation (CYBF)

The Canadian Youth Business Foundation (CYBF) is a national charity providing start-up mentoring, financing and business resources to help young Canadians between the ages of 18 and 34 years of age. Business start-up loans of up to $15,000 are available, with loan repayment schedules of between three and five years. Initiative Updated: $10 million of…