ICI Capacity Buyback Program: Retrofit Subsidy for Water Use Reduction

Cities around Ontario have made an effort to reduce electricity and water usage in a number of ways, such as introducing the peak energy hour system. However, not all of their initiatives have the potential to increase the end-user’s utilities cost. Cities such as Toronto, York, and Guelph, Ontario are implementing the Industrial, Commercial and…

Strengthen Your Willpower to Change Habits

We have all been here: you would like to change something about yourself, but because of time, stress, or other external factors, it seems impossible. In actuality, the problem might just be your perception of these barriers and your willpower to overcome them. We as humans find comfort routines and repetition, making those bad habits…

Klok: Time Management Tool

Klok: Time Management Tool

Even though work consumes 1/3 or more of an average employee’s day, it is often hard to fit all of our responsibilities into an 8-hour workday. Time management can be a key tool to allow you and your team to maximize productivity and make the most out of every workday. There are several time management…

New Building Construction Program – Benefits to Energy Efficiency

If you are located within the Enbridge Gas Distribution area and intending to build for commercial, institutional or multi-unit residential occupancy, by following Part 3 of the Ontario Building 2006 – then you may qualify for NBCP savings. The program helps offset the costs of designing more energy-efficient buildings through incentives of $0.10/m3 of annual…

Small Business Funding Grants – Agricultural Food Software Support

The Canadian Industry Traceability Infrastructure Program (CITIP) supports national industry organization in the agricultural food chain to enhance, develop and implement traceability systems. This government funding for business is available to those with a strong implementation plan in place. The Canadian government funding will assess how the proposed system will collect and share traceability information…

Register for Ontario Construction Mission in Korea

The Ontario Ministry of Economic Development and Trade and the Canadian Embassies in Japan and Korea have collaborated to create the Ontario Construction Mission in Korea and Japan. The event is now accepting Ontario companies to participate in the February event. This event allows Ontario businesses to gain knowledge related to the modern Korean architecture…

Canadian Trade Commissioner Service: International Trade Support

Market research and competitor analysis are both expensive and timely to conduct, making them some of the most common barriers to entry for businesses seeking to expand into a new market. Fortunately, Canadian businesses have the Canadian Trade Commissioner Service (TCS) to assist them with valuable support and resources related to just about any market…

Investment Cooperation Program: Investing in Emerging Markets

Canadian businesses interested in expanding into developing countries need to take a close look at the Investment Cooperation Program (INC), offered by Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada. This program is aimed at supporting companies who are investing in emerging markets by assisting with costs related to determining technical feasibility and economic viability of an…

GoMo: Assess Your Site’s Mobile Browsing Compatibility

Your company’s website may look fully functional on your computer, but how does it perform on a BlackBerry, iPad, or Android Phone? It is expected that by 2013, mobile searches will outpace searches done on conventional computers. Smartphones and tablets are flooding the market and it seems like even traditional products, such as alarm clocks,…

Strategic Network Grants: $500K-$1M Towards University R&D Collaborations

Large R&D projects carry many demanding requirements with them. Large budget, human resources, and capital resources can all become barriers to any large-scale research project. This not only hurts the company’s growth potential, but also holds back the advancement of the industry and cripples innovation. NSERC has developed the Strategic Network Grants to help fund…