Grant Funding for Business – IRAP Digital Technology Adoption Program (DTAPP)

Grant Funding for Business – IRAP Digital Technology Adoption Program (DTAPP)

Please Note: IRAP’s DTAPP Program is currently not accepting applications. For more Canadian government funding programs to support technology adoption, browse technology & capital adoption grants and loans. Within the DTAPP Government Grant Update, this program promotes the adoption of digital technologies by Canadian SME’s through the development of relationships between organizations and colleges and/or…

Commercializing Cleantech Event for Green Innovators

For those of our followers who are interested in the clean technology and innovation movement, The Canadian Institute will be holding another Cleantech conference in Toronto during January 2012. This conference will be held as an interactive workshop to display the effective strategies required to innovate, develop, market, and implement new green technologies and products…

Guelph’s Upcoming Technology Economy Conference

The Guelph Chamber of Commerce is holding a Technology Economy Conference that will be coming up in the near future. If you or your business is currently looking to improve your on-line presence or any other aspect of your IT performance you may be interested in attending this event. The conference will feature speakers from…

CME SMART Prosperity Now: New Technology Expansion Funds for Export

Those of you familiar with the CME Smart grant for capital expenditures have probably noticed a note on their online application login page. This note refers to the impending change to CME Smart, which will now be called CME SMART Prosperity Now. The Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters (CME) have recently received a new round of…

Excellence in Manufacturing Consortium

Capitalizing on Industry Experience Excellence in Manufacturing Consortium (EMC) is currently Canada’s largest not-for-profit consortium for the manufacturing industry. EMC offers their members the opportunity to partake in innovative training programs and events that are dedicated to the sharing of best practice knowledge relating to various sectors of the manufacturing industry. Learn Industry Tricks &…

Going Global Innovation: Research and Development Funding for 2012 Open

Going Global Innovation: Research and Development Funding for 2012 Open

*Check back with us regularly for updates on this program as we are expecting new funding to be released some time between June and July of 2013. Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada (DFAIT) is accepting another round of applications for their Canadian government funding program called Going Global Innovation. Applicants who are accepted into…

EMC Conferences: Strategic Interest Meetings and Networking Events for Canadian SMEs

The Excellence in Manufacturing Consortium (EMC) is the largest manufacturing consortium in Canada. They hold thousands of events each year that, dedicated to helping their members grow and compete in global markets. These events are intended to encourage the sharing of expertise, knowledge, and resources to allow their members to keep up-to-date with current trends…

Business Start-up Funding – Ontario Self-Employment Benefit (OSEB)

Update: The Ontario Self-Employment Benefit (OSEB) was closed in 2016. View our Startup Resources page to find additional government funding programs for young startups. The Ontario Government has introduced a new program that is intended to assist job seeking Canadians who wish to start their own businesses. The program is called the Ontario Self-Employment Benefit…

NSERC and OCE IRDF Internship Program – New Pilot Ontario Funding

The Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) has paired up with the Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE) to provide government funding for businesses who are interested in a research internship program involving hiring a PhD graduate. The Industrial Research and Development Fellowship (IRDF) program requires a two year internship program for a…

Research and Development Funding – NSERC Engage Grant

Research and Development Funding – NSERC Engage Grant

The Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) provides government funding for research and development through the promotion of their NSERC Engage Program.The Canadian government provides funds up to $25,000 for 6 months of research and development that is to be carried out by a Canadian University. NSERC Engage grants are intended to…