Client Spotlight: Eclipse Automation Offers World-Class Manufacturing Capabilities

Client Spotlight: Eclipse Automation Offers World-Class Manufacturing Capabilities

Mentor Works’ team lead recently spoke with Matty Mayakrishnan from the Marketing Department at Eclipse Automation in Cambridge, Ontario about their experience accessing government funding. Eclipse Automation offers world-class custom manufacturing services from its 25,000 square foot facility. Whether it is a build-to-print from existing designs, or working with clients to optimize a custom-designed fabrication…

Business Innovation Summit 2014: Corporate Innovation/Commercialization

Business Innovation Summit 2014: Corporate Innovation/Commercialization

Canadian companies should consider attending the upcoming Business Innovation Summit organized by the Conference Board of Canada, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to helping build a better future for Canadians by making our economy and society more dynamic and competitive. Learn  about the Conference Board and what makes it the foremost independent, evidence-based, not-for-profit applied research organization…

Ajax-Pickering Board of Trade: Cash Flow Planning Event ft. Mentor Works

Ajax-Pickering Board of Trade: Cash Flow Planning Event ft. Mentor Works

On April 17, 2014, the Ajax-Pickering Board of Trade will be hosting an event at the Deer Creek Golf & Banquet Facility. Branded as “Show Me The Money!”, this event will focus on cash flow planning options to innovate and accelerate growth within Canadian businesses. With expert speakers, Q&A sessions, and networking opportunities, Show Me…

Ontario Government Grants: Investing in Business Innovation – Angel Networks

Ontario Government Grants: Investing in Business Innovation – Angel Networks

The Investing in Business Innovation (IBI) Ontario government grants program for Angel Networks offers entrepreneurial support and financing to help new Ontario businesses to grow and succeed.  IBI government grants and loans Ontario are funded through The Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario). Government Grants Ontario for Angel Networks: Details Funding Amount:…

Get Youth Working! Program: BC Government Grants for Hiring Recent Grads

The Get Youth Working! Program is a British Columbia government grant for hiring program offered through the Canada-British Columbia Labour Market Agreement and run by Bowman Employment Services. The program is specifically designed to offer a generous incentive to BC employers looking to hire unemployed and non-EI eligible youth between the ages of 15-29 years…

Guelph Food Technology Centre (GFTC) Legacy Fund for Co-op Students

Guelph Food Technology Centre (GFTC) Legacy Fund for Co-op Students

The University of Guelph has supported thousands of co-op students through relevant work employment around the world. While employers have historically had access to the Ontario Co-operative Education Tax Credit as their primary source of funding support for hiring these co-op students on work terms, companies in the agricultural sector, such as food processors, now…

Canadian Government Funding Workshop April 16th in Trenton, Ontario

Canadian Government Funding Workshop April 16th in Trenton, Ontario

Mentor Works invites small to mid-sized businesses owners to a complimentary informational sessions to learn more about Canadian government grants and loans available to support the strategic growth of your firm. In her presentation, Alexandra (Alex) Barlow, Business Development Executive at Mentor Works Ltd., will cover financing trends, the different types of government funding resources,…

Province Finally Invests in a Viable Way to Eliminate Distracted Driving

Province Finally Invests in a Viable Way to Eliminate Distracted Driving

Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) have said that distracted driving is the “No. 1 killer on the roads.” According to The OPP’s 2013 Traffic Statistics 78 people died in crashes related to distracted driving on roads they patrolled in 2013, this compares with 57 deaths related to impaired driving and 44 related to speeding. They also noted…

Canada Media Fund: Experimental Stream 2014 Deadlines

Canada Media Fund: Experimental Stream 2014 Deadlines

The Canada Media Fund, a low interest loan for digital media companies, has announced its deadlines for all three segments of the Experimental Stream for 2014. We have discussed the Canada Media Fund Experimental Stream in the past, so please refer to our Canada Media Fund Overview Blog for more general information on the program….

Alberta Plans to Invest $200M in Agricultural and Food Innovation

Alberta Plans to Invest $200M in Agricultural and Food Innovation

The Province of Alberta announced earlier this month that the provincial government will set aside as much as $200 million from within the Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund. The funds will be directed to a number of causes including the expansion of grant programs to local applied research associations and to value-added product development and…