Mitacs Elevate Research Grants to Hire PhD Fellows

Mitacs Elevate Research Grants to Hire PhD Fellows

Mitacs, is a national non-profit organization, provides research and development funding support to develop industry and academic partnerships. Since 1999, Mitacs has provided over $52 million in funding to support their mandate. The Mitacs Elevate program provides an opportunity for industry partners to collaborate with a post doctorate student to work on a research project…

Mitacs Elevate Launches Calls for Proposals for Summer 2014

Mitacs Elevate Launches Calls for Proposals for Summer 2014

The Mitacs Elevate Program supports postdoctoral fellows and Canadian companies & partners to collaborate on cutting-edge research projects and build capacity for the next generation of R&D management leaders. Mitacs Elevate Canadian Government Grants –Background Information The Mitacs Elevate Program began as a pilot program offered in southern Ontario beginning in 2009, and expanded nationally in…

Build in Canada Innovation Program (BCIP) Update: Call for Proposals

Build in Canada Innovation Program (BCIP) Update: Call for Proposals

On Friday June 20th 2014, Minister of Public Works and Government Services, Diane Finley announced the launch of the fifth Call for Proposals for the Build in Canada Innovation Program (BCIP). BCIP is an acquisition program that was created to further develop Canadian innovation. The program is intended to help companies overcome the pre-commercialization gap…

Investing in Commercialization Partnerships FAQ’s

Investing in Commercialization Partnerships FAQ’s

Investing in Commercialization Partnerships is offered by FedDev Ontario as a part of Southern Ontario Prosperity Initiatives (SOPIs).  This government program is focused on providing funding for business led collaborations with academic or research institutions to develop innovative products that have high market demand and bring them to market readiness. Who can apply for ICP…

Summer Events: Upcoming Government Funding Workshops & Webinars

Summer Events: Upcoming Government Funding Workshops & Webinars

The government funding scene is heating up along with the weather. Funding allocation delays at the federal level along with the provincial election June 12th has produced a perfect storm, but not the kind that is likely to spoil your summer time plans. Don’t Miss Your Opportunity to Capitalize on Small Business Grants & Loans…

GF2 Ontario: Organizations & Collaborations Deadline July 3, 2014

GF2 Ontario: Organizations & Collaborations Deadline July 3, 2014

The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food (OMAF) is working in partnership with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) to support a competitive, sustainable and innovative agri-food and agri-products sector. The Growing Forward 2 Ontario Government Funding Initiative has set aside $417 million of funding over the next five years to assist producers, processors, and organizations…

How Angel Networks can Qualify for IBI Government Grants Canada

How Angel Networks can Qualify for IBI Government Grants Canada

The Southern Ontario Prosperity Initiatives (SOPIs) from FedDev Ontario provide government funding opportunities to new and established businesses and not-for-profits. The Investing in Business Innovation (IBI) program also has a stream for Angel Networks. The funding from the IBI program is available to Angel networks as a grant towards project costs. IBI Government Grants Canada…

Bio-Tech and Life Sciences Hiring Grants for Small Business

Bio-Tech and Life Sciences Hiring Grants for Small Business

Through Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC), the Canadian federal government provides a lucrative hiring grant opportunity for small businesses in various sectors. One such variant of their hiring incentives is specific to the bio-technology and life sciences sector. This wage subsidy program offers up to $20,000 or 50% of the new hire’s wage rate…

Government Funding Canada: Grants for Hiring in the Steel Industry

Government Funding Canada: Grants for Hiring in the Steel Industry

The Steel Industry Canadian government grants for hiring program aims to create career-oriented employment opportunities for recent Canadian post-secondary graduates to provide them with valuable work experience and developing their skills while working in the broader Canadian steel industry. Canadian Small Business Grants for Hiring: Program Focus The Steel Industry Hiring Program provides an employer…