How to Qualify for Investing in Business Growth & Productivity for Not-for-Profits

How to Qualify for Investing in Business Growth & Productivity for Not-for-Profits

The Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev) offers Ontario government funding programs through the Southern Ontario Prosperity Initiatives to organizations that play a role in developing southern Ontario’s economy. One of the key funding programs is called Investing in Business Growth and Productivity. IBGP Government Funding for Not-for-Profits: Company Eligibility Not-for-profits eligible for…

FAQs: Investing in Business Growth and Productivity (IBGP) for NFP’s

FAQs: Investing in Business Growth and Productivity (IBGP) for NFP’s

The IBGP for not for profits program is an Ontario government funding program with two streams – one for SMEs and one for not-for-profits (NFP). What type of funding is available for not-for-profits through IBGP Canadian government grants? Funding for not-for-profits is provided by the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario) as…

How to Qualify for the Advanced Manufacturing Fund

How to Qualify for the Advanced Manufacturing Fund

In fall 2013, The Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario) released new government funding initiatives for Ontario businesses. The Advanced Manufacturing Fund (AMF) was developed to provide financial assistance to businesses in manufacturing that are lagging behind and lacking competitiveness with respect to innovation, information and communications technology (ICT) adoption, productivity and…

Current Trend Reinforces Need to Reward Small Businesses for Export-Led Growth

Current Trend Reinforces Need to Reward Small Businesses for Export-Led Growth

New data has been released by Statistics Canada on August 24th, 2014 through the Survey of Innovation and Business Strategy, 2012.  The survey results describe how Canadian firms measure their performance, whether their success depends on domestic or international markets, and who is rewarded for the company’s achievement. Only 60.2% of Small Businesses Rely on Gross Margin…

Ontario Trillium Fund: Community Ontario Government Grant Program

Ontario Trillium Fund: Community Ontario Government Grant Program

The Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) is an agency of the Government of Ontario’s Ministry of Culture. The foundation helps to build healthy and vibrant communities through volunteerism as well as investments in community-based initiatives through Ontario government grants. OTF Community Grants: Ontario Government Grants for Not-for-Profit Organizations The most heavily funded program available through OTF…

Join Mentor Works for the York Region Annual Import/Export Conference 2014

Join Mentor Works for the York Region Annual Import/Export Conference 2014

With the recent Canadian-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) comes exciting new opportunities for small and medium-sized businesses. Join Mentor Works’ President and Founder, Bernadeen McLeod joins a list of impressive speakers that will share their insight into how small and medium-sized businesses can access business opportunities that lie beyond Canada’s borders. York…

FAQs:  Investing in Regional Diversification

FAQs: Investing in Regional Diversification

Investing in Regional Diversification (IRD) program is offered through FedDev Ontario and is focused on providing financial support to not-for-profit organizations that have the capabilities to develop regional economic opportunities that diversify the economy and result in the creation of new jobs. Who is eligible to apply for this Canadian government funding program? The FedDev…

Canada Start-up Visa: New “Express Entry” to Improve inflow of Entrepreneurs

Canada Start-up Visa: New “Express Entry” to Improve inflow of Entrepreneurs

On August 14th, Canada’s Citizenship and Immigration Minister, Chris Alexander was in Kitchener-Waterloo where he met with Communitech and other business leaders to discuss the Start-up Visa Program.  The program, which boasted of its first two successful applicants in July 2014, was designed to help make Canada the destination of choice for the world’s brightest…

Ontario to Launch Canada Job Grant “As Soon As Possible”

Ontario to Launch Canada Job Grant “As Soon As Possible”

The provincial governments of Newfoundland & Labrador and P.E.I. joined Manitoba in being two of the first three provinces to offer the Canada Job Grant.   The Canada Job Grant is a funding for training program that offsets two thirds of training costs up to $10,000, while employers are responsible for the remaining one third of…

Exhibit at Canada’s Largest Food & Beverage Showcase

Exhibit at Canada’s Largest Food & Beverage Showcase

The Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development (ARD) in collaboration with Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada (DFATD) has developed a program to support Canadian food and beverage exporters that are targeting the food service and retail sector in the United States. It’s called “Taste of Canada,” and the fourth edition of the event will take…