Guelph Announces 2nd Round of Funding of Accelerated Adoption of Innovative Research

Guelph Announces 2nd Round of Funding of Accelerated Adoption of Innovative Research

In December, the University of Guelph announced a second round of funding will become available as of January 2015 through its partnership with the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Agri-Food (OMAFRA). The Gryphon’s LAAIR Program Supports Innovative University of Guelph Projects According to the news release offered by Program Coordinator, David Hobson, the Gryphon’s “Leading to…

Register for a Free Webinar to Learn About Funding for Agri-Businesses

Register for a Free Webinar to Learn About Funding for Agri-Businesses

The Canadian agriculture and agri-food system (AAFS) plays a significant role in the Canadian economy. In 2012, the AAFS accounted for 6.7% of Canada’ GDP with $103.5 billion in economic activity, according to Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. The Canadian government has played a role in the success of this industry through support networks, resources, and…

Company of Women: Gearing up for Growth 2015

Company of Women: Gearing up for Growth 2015

Company of Women is offering a unique opportunity to engage with Bernadeen McLeod, President & Owner of Mentor Works, at an upcoming Toronto event. Bernadeen will explain the different types of funding resources available from the provincial and federal levels of government, how to find them, and how to leverage them to help grow your…

Receive $10K Towards Workforce Training via the Canada-B.C. Job Grant (CBCJG)

Receive $10K Towards Workforce Training via the Canada-B.C. Job Grant (CBCJG)

DISCLAIMER: The information provided in this blog was accurate at the date of original posting. The program details have since changed, please see B.C. Employer Training Grant (ETG) for more details.  The Canada-B.C. Job Grant is a small business grant that provides businesses with funding for training their employees. Businesses can obtain up to $10,000…

Jan. 29 Halton Region Ag Forum: Agri Productivity, Competitiveness

Jan. 29 Halton Region Ag Forum: Agri Productivity, Competitiveness

Halton Region is set to host the 2015 annual Halton Region Agricultural Forum on Thursday, January 29, 2015 starting at 6:30pm. This free event is open to farmers, food processors, other agri-product processors, and related associations & organizations to connect and gain insight on the industry, including a speaking session from Mentor Works on agriculture…

Webinar: Agricultural & Agri-Food Funding for Canadian Business

Webinar: Agricultural & Agri-Food Funding for Canadian Business

Ontario Agricultural and Agri-Food businesses can utilize a range of funding programs to support their growth. The challenge is how to find and take advantage of what is out there. Mentor Works will be hosting a webinar to help companies identify their funding priorities and develop strategic plans to find support for their agricultural and…

Wilcox Bodies Leverages Youth Employment Fund as Hiring & Training Grant

Wilcox Bodies Leverages Youth Employment Fund as Hiring & Training Grant

The Youth Employment Fund (YEF) was created to help youth find gainful employment within Ontario. Ontario businesses can utilize YEF for up to $6800 in grant funding towards the hiring of a youth, aged 15-29, for a 4-6 month period. Additionally, candidates will receive up to $1000 directly to assist with the transition into the…

Webinar: Learn About Training Grants to Strengthen Your Workforce

Webinar: Learn About Training Grants to Strengthen Your Workforce

The Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters (CME) association surveyed over 800 businesses last year as part of their 2014 Management Issues Survey to determine top management issues. The results were very clear: 47% of respondents indicated that the “availability of skilled labour” is a strong factor in making investment decisions with 45% declaring that labour shortages…

Innovative Healthy Snacks Receive $782,000 in Government Funding

Innovative Healthy Snacks Receive $782,000 in Government Funding

On December 15, 2014, Member of Parliament Peter Kent of Thornhill announced a $782,000 funding contribution to Riverside Natural Foods Ltd., this according to a Federal Government press release. The repayable contribution will help the company commercialize its innovative, organic snack foods. AAFC AgriInnovation Program Supports Purchase of Capital Equipment for Food Processing Support through…

SDTC’s SD Tech Fund: 2015 Funding Round Approaching

SDTC’s SD Tech Fund: 2015 Funding Round Approaching

With the arrival of the New Year followers of the Canadian clean tech scene are looking forward to the next round of funding offered by the SDTC Tech Fund. SD Tech Fund has Allocated More than Half a Billion Dollars Since 2002 According to SDTC, the global clean technology market is worth an estimated $1…