Mitacs Converge Research and Development Funding

Mitacs Converge: SME & Post-Secondary Research and Development Funding

A recent investment of $1,562,000 from the Western Economic Diversification Canada has allowed for the creation of a pilot initiative called Mitacs Converge. Mitacs Converge will provide government grant funding to support research initiatives. Mitacs, which connects and nurtures partnerships between academic institutions, SMEs, and multi-national companies, has added Converge to their established list of…

Canadian small business grants

CME Path2Work Program – Connect with International Manufacturing Employees

The Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters (CME) association recognizes that some businesses in Canada are struggling to find the skilled labourers that they need to continue growth and expansion. Other businesses are turning to advanced technologies as a tactic to stay competitive in international markets. In response to this growing need, Path2Work has been developed to…

Opportunities Ontario Hiring and Training Grants

Opportunities Ontario: Provincial Nominee Program for Foreign Workers

Although there are benefits to hiring recent Canadian grads, some Ontario employers find difficulty in filling some job positions and may require the assistance of foreign skilled workers. The Ontario government realizes this need and has created the Opportunities Ontario: Provincial Nominee Program to assist small businesses in staffing for these positions. Through this program,…

Ontario Government Grants

R&D Project Hiring Grants: Funding to Hire a PhD Researcher

eAs part of Ontario’s R&D Project Hiring Grants program, the Fellowship Component offers based PhD graduates and Postdoctoral Fellows (PDFs) the opportunity to contribute to industry-driven research and development projects. These 12-month fellowships supported by Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE) are valued at $85,000 and are open to all fields of study including non-STEM disciplines…

Canadian government funding for CertWORK+

CME CertWORK+ Provides National Manufacturing Worker Certifications

The Canadian manufacturing sector has identified a great need for national levels certifications for their shop floor workers and management in order to validate industry labour quality standards. The Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters (CME) and the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) have developed a solution. CertWORK+, is available now as the first national standards and certification…

Automotive Supplier Innovation Program research and development funding

Automotive Supplier Innovation Program: Research and Development Funding

In recent years there has been a shift in the global automotive market, and, as noted in our Automotive Industry Overview, Canada has slipped to the 11th largest producer of vehicles globally due to increased pressures from lower wage countries, such as Mexico. The Canadian government has taken note and, in their Economic Action Plan…

Small Business Grants

R&D Project Hiring Grants – Internship Component: How to Qualify

On behalf of the Government of Ontario, Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE) is now accepting applications for the R&D Project Hiring Grants program to connect employers with post-secondary students and recent graduates. OCE was allocated $10 million in government grant funding as a key component of the Ontario Youth Jobs Strategy. The program enables the partnership between…

Canadian Government Grants and Small business funding

Canadian Economy Flattens in Q1 2015 – Anderson Economic Report

Written by the former Assistant Chief of the Bank of Canada’s research department, Dr. Peter Andersen releases economic reports periodically to inform businesses and executives about trends in the economy. His observations from Q1 of 2015 provide insight into Canadian and international economies which have the greatest impact on Canadian industry. This information is used…

Canadian government funding success for Crofter's Food Inc.

Crofter’s Food Ltd. Canadian Government Funding Success

Based in Seguin, Ontario, Crofter’s Food Ltd. is one of the most recent recipients of Canadian government funding through FedNor’s Targeted Manufacturing Initiative. Since 2006, more than $351 million has been invested into Northern Ontario businesses in support of nearly 1,700 projects. These investments have resulted in the support of more than 22,700 jobs. “Our…

Canadian Government Grants

Qualify for Non-Profit Funding Grants: Canadian Agricultural Adaptation Program (CAAP)

In its launch last year, the Canadian Agricultural Adaptation Program (CAAP) committed $50.3 million in government grant funding over 5 years (2014-2019). Funding will be determined on a case-by-case basis to provide up to 50% of project costs to $1 million per project, or $4 million in total funding over the 5-year program. It is…