SCAP – Food Safety and Growth Initiative

Receive up to $75K in Agri-Food Funding.

Sustainable Canadian Agricultural  Partnership (SCAP) is investing up $5M in small agri-food processing businesses to modernize their food safety systems, adopt new food safety and traceability equipment, technologies and standards, and stimulate growth in the agriculture and food sector. Below is a high-level overview, with more program details coming in late August 2024.

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SCAP – Food Safety and Growth Initiative

Amount of Funding

  • Up to 50% of eligible costs to a max of $75,000 per project.
  • A maximum of 2 projects can be funded under this initiative.
Amount of Funding from the Canadian Government

SCAP – Food Safety and Growth Initiative

Eligible Applicants

To be eligible for this program, applicants must be:

  • Ontario-based primary producers, processors or service providers in the agriculture or food sector;
  • The applicant must produce, process or service foods of plant origin, meat or dairy, and/or other ready to eat foods; and
  • Have fewer than 100 employees at the project location.
Eligible Applicants for Canadian Government Funding

SCAP – Food Safety and Growth Initiative

Eligible Activities

Projects must support small agri-food businesses and stimulate growth in the agriculture and food sector through the following activities

  • Modernize food safety systems; and
  • Adopt new food safety and traceability equipment, technologies and standards.

Eligible Expenses/Costs:

  • 3rd party assessments to improve food safety systems;
  • 3rd party assessments to develop or improve food safety  or traceability programs;
  • Equipment and technology upgrades; and
  • First time certification audits.
Eligible Expenses for Canadian Government Funding

SCAP – Food Safety and Growth Initiative

Program Deadline

 Application deadline is December 1, 2025 or when funds fully committed.

Speak with a member of our team to find the latest intake period for this program or subscribe to our newsletter to be notified.

Program Deadline for Canadian Government Funding
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We provide an average 95% time savings to our clients, compared to businesses that apply for funding in-house.

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