AgriDiversity – SCAP

Receive up to 75% of $200,000 per year in Grant Funding.

The AgriDiversity program is a stream of funding provided through the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership (SCAP), a 5-year framework to support Canada’s agriculture and agri-food sector. AgriDiversity is specifically designed to help organizations with projects that build agricultural leadership and entrepreneurial capacity among under-represented groups, such as youth, women, persons with disabilities, and the Indigenous.

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Amount of Funding

If an applicant for the AgriDiversity program is accepted, they may receive the following:

  • Up to 70% of eligible project expenses which may amount to a maximum $200k for one year;
  • If approved for up to five years, applicant may receive up to $1 million in total;
  • The applicant’s portion of project expenses can include in-kind contributions, which may amount to a maximum of 25% of total costs.
Amount of Funding from the Canadian Government


Eligible Applicants

Eligible applicants may be the following:

  • Must be a not-for-profit organization, indigenous organization, or academic organization; and
  • Demonstrate the ability to deliver a national and sector-wide project that includes participation and support of relevant industry stakeholders.
Eligible Applicants for Canadian Government Funding


Eligible Activities

Eligible activities are intended to support the advancement of under-represented groups in the Agriculture industry in four major categories:

  • Building an entrepreneurial capacity and business skills such as sharing and developing skills and knowledge for members in the industry, create opportunities for under-represented groups to adopt best practices, and attend agri-oriented events such as workshops and conferences;
  • Increase their skills to assume greater leadership roles such as financial management and business training, leadership workshops, etc.;
  • Enhancing the involvement of under-represented groups in the agriculture sector via awareness of career opportunities such as career fairs, implementing a needs and gaps analysis for tools and support programs needed for under-represented groups; and
  • Strengthen the ability of these groups to be leaders via activities generating involvement n the sector such as industry-specific mentorship programs and training opportunities.
Eligible Expenses for Canadian Government Funding


Program Deadline

  • Program costs can be eligible as of April 1, 2023. However, any costs incurred before application submission are ineligible.
  • Application Deadline: September 30, 2027.
Program Deadline for Canadian Government Funding
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