Partner With Mentor Works

Educate Your Audience On How Accessible Canadian Government Funding Can Be

The Canadian federal and provincial governments offers hundreds of grant and loan funding programs that most businesses are not aware of. Due to this lack of awareness and the fast pace nature of government funding program intake periods, Mentor Works has teamed up with 100+ strategic partners to share free, educational content about the latest government funding news and updates.

You can help your audience receive Government grants and loans by demystifying the funding application process for them.

Mentor Works provides our strategic partners with free blog articles on government funding programs, webinars and live events, and downloadable resources such as research white papers, slide decks, and guides on industry trends. Mentor Works offers government funding application writing services for Hiring & Training Programs, Business Expansion & Exporting Programs, Research & Development Programs, and Capital Investment & Tech Adoption Programs.

Who We’re Partnered With

Canadian Pork Council

Industries We Educate

Industry Associations

Third-Party Vendors


Banks and Accountants

Non-Profit Organizations

Angel Investors

Why Partner With Mentor Works?

Mentor Works Audience

Get In Front of A Large Audience

Mentor Works website receives 80,000+ monthly page views and has blogs linked from the CBC, Forbes, Medium, Business Insider, Tech Crunch, The Globe and Mail, The Star, and more. Our guest authors will submit educational content to our blog based on their area of expertise, such as this blog about Going Hybrid: The Future Workplace Has Arrived.

Educational Content Provided

We submit custom educational content on Canadian government funding programs that are relevant for each of our strategic partners unique audiences. Our partners will post these articles on their blog and share the program update with their audience.


Our Latest Content:

No posts


Join Our Business Events

We offer bi-weekly webinars that are free to attend where we share the most recent government funding program updates and answer attendees questions. We often team up with strategic partners to promote these events or co-host with them. Our webinars average 50-150 registrants and a 50 – 60% attendance rate.

Our Upcoming Events:

No posts

What We Look For in Strategic Partners

Experts in their Field

Mentor Works is looking to partner with thought leaders in their fields to cross promote content with our audience and yours.

The Right Audience

The Canadian Government tends to release funding programs for manufacturers, software development companies, and other industries.

Great Marketing

Government funding can move fast, and our strategic partners are able to get the word out to their audiences months before deadlines to apply. We send our weekly newsletter to 10,000

Mentor Works Partner FAQs

Nope! Absolutely free.

Not at all. We encourage our strategic partners to submit a guest blog to our site, but it’s not manditory.

The Canadian federal and provincial governments don’t do a great job of promoting their own funding programs, so Mentor Works is able to spread the awareness of these programs by having strategic partners share relevant funding programs with their audience.

No. We frequently offer our strategic partners the chance to co-promote a webinar if they feel the topic is relevant for their audience, but do not wish to speak at the event. We can feature your logo in the promotion and the webinar itself.

Yes you can. Mentor Works team of writers can be hired to write fully custom content for your audience. We frequently do this for municipalities who want content that highlights the funding programs available to businesses in that region.

Yes we do, speak with our team to hear more about our client referral program.

Both the provincial and federal governments offer small business funding programs and services. There are two common ways companies search for Canadian government funding programs, including looking by their province/operating region and exploring by their project/investment area.

Companies can also refer to our library of programs for a comprehensive view of the various small business funding grants and low interest repayable loans available to Canadian businesses.

In order to be eligible for any Canadian government funding, businesses need to be incorporated for at least three years and have at least five people on payroll, although each program has their own eligibility requirements. This is to establish the financial stability of the organization. Generally speaking, most Canadian government grant programs are positioned to support incorporated small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and large corporations.

Please consult our Canadian Small Business Funding Guide for more information about funding eligibility criteria and access our blog for program-specific eligibility factors.

The application process, and therefore the strategic planning and application support services needed, varies for each government funding program. For more information about pricing, please contact the Mentor Works team.