Innovation Superclusters Initiative

Receive up to $250M in Grant Funding.

The $950 million Innovation Superclusters Initiative supports industry-led partnerships composed of large firms, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), researchers, and intermediary institutions to build synergistic advantages in regions across Canada. Innovation clusters will focus on building an innovation ecosystem in one of Canada’s highly innovative industries, including advanced manufacturing, agri-food, clean technology, digital technology, health and bio-science, clean resources, and infrastructure and transportation.

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Innovation Superclusters Initiative

Amount of Funding

There are five Superclusters in total under the Innovation Supercluster Initiative:

Supply Chains and Logistics Excellence AI (SCALE.AI) 

Up to 40% of eligible costs for projects that can accelerate the adoption and commercialization of AI for supply chains. Minimum 2:1 cash match from applicant and/or partners. The match must come from private sector contributions.

Digital Technology Supercluster 

The Digital Technology Supercluster will co-invest $0.75 for every $1 invested by partner organizations in specific projects, up to between $0.5M to $13M (amounts may change for different intakes). The Supercluster encourages organizations to also seek Canadian government funding from other sources (e.g. the National Research Council’s Industrial Research Assistance Program).

NGen Manufacturing Program 

Offsets up to 44.4% of eligible project expenses. Project costs should be between $1M and $20M, providing non-repayable funding of approximately $444,400 to $8,880,000. No single partner can receive more than 70% of reimbursement.

Ocean Supercluster – Atlantic Canada

The maximum Ocean Supercluster funding contribution cannot exceed $2M per project.

Protein Industries Canada (PIC)

Offsets up to 50% of eligible project expenses with no defined maximum contribution. The remaining project funds must be supported by at least two project partners.

Amount of Funding from the Canadian Government

Innovation Superclusters Initiative

Eligible Applicants

Supply Chains and Logistics Excellence AI (SCALE.AI) 

Must have at least two contributing partner companies (At least one partner in the consortium must be a SME and at least one partner must be an adopter of the technology), reflect collaborations across large and small enterprises, research institutions, and academia, contributors must be SCALE.AI members.

Digital Technology Supercluster 

Project teams must include at least three project partners, including one small or medium-sized enterprise and one post-secondary institution. The lead applicant must be a member of the supercluster.

NGen Manufacturing Program 

Open to all industries and sectors. Must have a minimum of three private-sector project partners; lead partner and participants must be NGen members.

Ocean Supercluster – Atlantic Canada

The Lead Applicant must have operations in Canada and be a member of the OSC. At least one small-medium sized enterprise (less than 499 employees) must be directly involved and benefit from the project.

Protein Industries Canada (PIC)

Must have a minimum of two project partners; all must be PIC members (paid membership required).

Eligible Applicants for Canadian Government Funding

Innovation Superclusters Initiative

Eligible Activities

Supply Chains and Logistics Excellence AI (SCALE.AI) 

Encompass technology development to improve Supply Chain processes by adopting AI. Projects should be transformational in scale or impact for its participants; have a wider benefit to Canada’s Supply Chain ecosystem; and Help Canadian Supply Chain companies compete globally.

Digital Technology Supercluster 

The Digital Technology Supercluster provides Canadian government grants and other supports for business-led R&D projects that focus on transformational digital technologies.

NGen Manufacturing Program 

Collaborative technology development and application. Should have wide-reaching impacts that expand the potential of Canadian manufacturers, even those not directly involved in the project. Not focused on product R&D.

Ocean Supercluster – Atlantic Canada

Canada’s Ocean Supercluster is an industryled transformative cluster focused on tackling
the shared challenges of multiple ocean sectors through a collaborative program designed to accelerate the development and commercialization of globally relevant solutions.

Protein Industries Canada (PIC)

Plant-based protein product development, technology development, production efficiency enhancement, and export market development.

Eligible Expenses for Canadian Government Funding

Innovation Superclusters Initiative

Program Deadline

Supply Chains and Logistics Excellence AI (SCALE.AI) 

Open intake, no deadlines announced. The program is accepting applications on a first-come, first-served basis.

Digital Technology Supercluster 

Calls for EOIs have occurred periodically. It is unknown if additional intakes will occur. Steps in the process include submission of an Expression of Interest, submission of a Full Project Proposal (by invitation only), and a review and approval of projects.

NGen Manufacturing Program 

Open intake. Two-stage application process including an Expression of Interest (EOI) and, if called forward to application phase 2, a full application. Expected project length is 18-36 months; all projects must be complete by March 31, 2023.

Ocean Supercluster – Atlantic Canada

Calls for EOIs have occurred in the past. It is unknown if future intakes will occur.

Protein Industries Canada (PIC)

Plant-based protein product development, technology development, production efficiency enhancement, and export market development.

Program Deadline for Canadian Government Funding
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