Accelerating Innovations Into Care – Alberta Innovates

Receive up to $600,000 in Government Funding.

Alberta Innovates‘ Accelerating Innovations Into Care program supports the commercialization of health technologies through collaborations of Alberta SMEs and public health providers. Companies will work with healthcare providers or post-secondary institutions to test and validate the innovation’s impacts, with specific emphasis on disease pathways or workflow.

Mentor Works Government Funding Application Success Rate

Demande de Financement

Donnez à votre demande les meilleures chances d’être approuvée. Ryan a un taux d’approbation de 86 % pour tous les programmes de financement canadiens.

Apply for This Program

Accelerating Innovations Into Care – Alberta Innovates

Amount of Funding

Eligible applicants may receive up to $600,000 per project for up to a 36 month period for eligible expenses. A portion of the funds must be used for activities outside the scope of product development.

Amount of Funding from the Canadian Government

Accelerating Innovations Into Care – Alberta Innovates

Eligible Applicants

To be accepted for this program, applicants must:

  • Be an Alberta based organization;
  • Led by an Alberta-based post-secondary institution or government health entity; and
  • Must currently have an adequate financial standing with Alberta Innovates and it’s subsidiaries.
Eligible Applicants for Canadian Government Funding

Accelerating Innovations Into Care – Alberta Innovates

Eligible Activities

Projects may be eligible if they:

  • Apply a computational technology of technique that will solve a a minimum of one clinical problem;
  • Support a minimum of two health innovation categories within the health innovation cycle;
  • Clearly outline milestones and deliverables; and
  • Adhere to any further Alberta Innovates criteria which may arise.

*Please note that Network-based precision health approaches will be prioritized.

Eligible Expenses for Canadian Government Funding

Accelerating Innovations Into Care – Alberta Innovates

Program Deadline

The last submission deadline for this program was September 1, 2021 with no current announcements of further intakes. Alberta Innovates’ Accelerating Innovations Into Care program accepts applications on a continuous basis.

Program Deadline for Canadian Government Funding
Apply for Government Grants with Mentor Works for Time Savings

Demande de Financement

Nous permettons à nos clients de gagner en moyenne 95 % de temps par rapport aux entreprises qui font leur propre demande de financement.

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Accelerating Innovations Into Care – Alberta Innovates News

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