Ontario Vehicle Innovation Network (OVIN): Talent Development Program

Receive up to $35,000 in Grant Funding.

The Ontario Vehicle Innovation Network (OVIN)’s Talent Development Program (TDP) is an Ontario government funding program designed to combine Ontario companies with top young minds to stimulate industry-driven research and development projects for Connected and Autonomous Vehicle (C/AV) technologies. TDP is provided through two streams: TalentEdge Fellowship Program (TFP) and TalentEdge Internship program (TIP).

For more OVIN programs, visit our Ontario Vehicle Innovation Network Page.

Mentor Works Government Funding Application Success Rate

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Donnez à votre demande les meilleures chances d’être approuvée. Ryan a un taux d’approbation de 86 % pour tous les programmes de financement canadiens.

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OVIN: Talent Development Program News

Amount of Funding

TalentEdge Fellowship Program (TFP)

  • Offers may provide up to $35,000 in OCI contributions per every 12-month unit;
  • A minimum contribution of $50,000 must be made by the industry partner per 12-month unit (minimum of $52,500 must go to fellow); and
  • The remainder of the funds may be used for direct project costs.

TalentEdge Internship Program (TIP)

  • Offers may provide up to $10,000 in OCI contributions per every four-month unit;
  • A minimum contribution of $10,000 must be made by the industry partner per four-month unit (minimum of $10,000 must go to intern); and
  • The remainder of the funds may be used for direct project costs.
Amount of Funding from the Canadian Government

OVIN: Talent Development Program News

Eligible Applicants

TalentEdge Fellowship Program (TFP)

  • Fellows must meet the following criteria:
    • Recently grad with a doctoral degree (PhD) from an accredited, public, university during fellowship period;
    • Eligible to work in Ontario with employee status at company (company-based fellowships), or has post-doctoral fellow status at the institution (institution-based fellowships), for duration of the fellowship. Maximum of two TalentEdge Fellowships are permitted;
    • Not enrolled in a co-op program or other equivalent job placement/employment program; and
    • Has no conflict of interest with the company and is not a current or past company employee.
  • Company/Industry Partner must meet the following criteria:
    • For-profit, incorporated in Ontario, and is valid CRA business in good financial status and standing with OCI;
    • Is using C/AV tech-based innovation competitively in provincial, national and/or global markets with project-related operations or R&D in Ontario;
    • Has intent, expertise and resources to apply results of project for economic benefit of Ontario in a timely manner;
    • Company subsidiaries are eligible provided they meet all of above criteria; and
    • For institution-based internships, applicant and industry partner MUST have an arms-length relationship.

TalentEdge Internship Program (TIP)

  • Eligible Interns must meet the following criteria:
    • Final year undergrads, recent grads, masters, and PhD students at accredited school;
    • Interns must have active-student status for Institution-based internships. Interns at company-based internships must be eligible to work in Ontario and be given employee status at the company for internship. Consecutive internships allowed; and
    • Interns may not apply with company that has conflict of interest. Interns in co-op program or other job placement may not apply. Interns may not apply if they are current or past employee of company.
  • Company/Industry Partner must meet the following criteria:
    • For-profit, incorporated in Ontario, and is valid CRA business in good financial status and standing with OCI;
    • Is using C/AV tech-based innovation competitively in provincial, national and/or global markets with project-related operations or R&D in Ontario;
    • Has intent, expertise and resources to apply results of project for economic benefit of Ontario in a timely manner;
    • Company subsidiaries are eligible provided they meet all of above criteria; and
    • For institution-based internships, applicant and industry partner MUST have an arms-length relationship.
Eligible Applicants for Canadian Government Funding

OVIN: Talent Development Program News

Eligible Projects

TalentEdge Fellowship Program (TFP)

  • Eligible TFP projects must meet the following criteria:
    • Clear projects with outlined activities, checkpoints, and outcomes, to measure during the fellowship;
    • Is R&D related for Connected and Autonomous Vehicle (C/AV) tech;
    • Fellows must have on-the-job training in C/AV technologies such as software and hardware development, AI, and data analytics;
    • Must be commensurate with fellow’s field of expertise;
    • Maximum of two units per application/company in a year (pre-approval by OCI Program Manager is required to apply for more than two units);
    • Intellectual property (IP) arising from project to be managed by project participants. OCI does not claim or manage IP rights;
    • For institution-based fellowships, parties are bound by the university’s IP terms, unless officially stated otherwise;
    • For company-based fellowships, parties are bound by the company’s IP terms, as the fellow is an employee duration the program; and
    • Participants and OCI must make an agreement and provide project outcomes and metrics, annually.

TalentEdge Internship Program (TIP)

  • Eligible TFP projects must meet the following criteria:
    • Clear projects with outlined activities, checkpoints, and outcomes, to measure during the internship;
    • Is R&D related for Connected and Autonomous Vehicle (C/AV) tech;
    • Interns must have on-the-job training in C/AV technologies such as software and hardware development, AI, and data analytics;
    • Must be commensurate with intern’s field of expertise;
    • A maximum of six units per application/company in a year;
    • An agreement must be established between participants and the OCI, as well as provide project results and measurements, annually;
    • For institution-based internships, parties are bound by the university’s IP terms, unless officially stated otherwise; and
    • For company-based internships, parties are bound by the company’s IP terms, as the intern is an employee duration the program.
Eligible Expenses for Canadian Government Funding

OVIN: Talent Development Program News

Program Deadline

To learn more about program timelines, get in touch with a Mentor Works representative.

Program Deadline for Canadian Government Funding
Apply for Government Grants with Mentor Works for Time Savings

Demande de Financement

Nous permettons à nos clients de gagner en moyenne 95 % de temps par rapport aux entreprises qui font leur propre demande de financement.

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OVIN: Talent Development Program News

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