Government Funding Programs by Region

Find Funding for Every Canadian Province Below

Each province within Canada has their own list of government funding programs available exclusively to businesses within their province. Each of these provincial programs reflect the types of industries within a Canadian province, with some provinces have more businesses located within and as a result have more funding programs allocated to their programs.

  • Western Canada: Funding for Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan businesses.
  • Ontario Funding: Provincial and federal funding programs for Ontario business.
  • Atlantic Canada: Funding for Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Labrador businesses.
  • Federal Funding: Federal funding programs for every province & territory in Canada.

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Federal and Provincial Government Funding News

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Stacking Provincial and Federal Government Funding Programs

When applying for funding, businesses often have access to multiple sources of funding. This includes provincial funding (i.e. Ontario business grants), regional funding (i.e. Western Canada business grants), and federal government funding (Canadian small business grants). Businesses can combine federal and regional funding programs with those provided provincially to optimize funding contributions. This is a strategy known as ‘stacking’ government funding programs. It’s one of the many strategies you can use to tap into more funding for your upcoming projects.
Note: Not all programs can be stacked, and there is often a limit (either a percentage of project costs or a total value) that cannot be surpassed.

Register for Free Events on Canadian Government Grants and Loans

To determine the best opportunities for growth through small business funding, business leaders often find it useful to attend a government funding workshop or webinar. These sessions provide an opportunity for executives and other key decision-makers to learn about specific Canadian government grants and loans. Upon completion of a funding event, participants will have established a baseline understanding of the current funding landscape, and will be able to have your questions answered by a Canadian Government Funding Planner.

Find Canadian Government grants, loans, subsidies, and stimulus packages for:

  • Hiring and Training
  • Business Expansion & Exporting
  • Capital and Technology Adoption
  • Research & Innovation

Register for an upcoming Canadian government funding event to learn more about how funding works, how to navigate the government funding process, and support services to help develop a successful application.

Mentor Works hosts frequent webinars and live events to help business owners and executives further learn about their funding potential. Register for a session to continue exploring business and export expansion funding.

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Learn About Canadian Government Grants for Business

The Canadian business funding landscape can be challenging to navigate independently. Some programs are open year-round while others have defined intake dates, and all are designed to support specific businesses and strategic opportunities. There are many different types and sources of funding across Canada, and understanding how funding works is critical to planning your submission. Fortunately, free resources are available to help sort through the funding landscape, including the Canadian Small Business Funding Guide.

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Let’s Find You Funding

You can utilize our grant writing services if your Canadian business is:

  • Incorporated For 2+ Years
  • Positive Net Income
  • Future Projects in Mind