Zero Emission Transit Fund

Receive up to $350M in Zero Emission Project Funding.

The Zero Emission Transit Fund delivers on the federal government’s commitment to help purchase 5,000 zero emission buses over the next five years and build supporting infrastructure, including charging infrastructure and facility upgrades.

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Zero Emission Transit Fund

Amount of Funding

Successful applicants may receive the following funding allotments:

Planning Projects: Up to 80% of the total eligible costs in non-repayable contributions; or

Capital Projects: Up to 50% of total eligible costs in non-repayable contributions to a maximum of $350M. Non-repayable contributions to for-profit entities will only be considered if project benefits accrue broadly (i.e. health and environmental benefits).

Amount of Funding from the Canadian Government

Zero Emission Transit Fund

Eligible Applicants

  • Municipalities, local and regional governments
  • Provinces or Territories
  • Public sector bodies (including transit agencies and school boards)
  • Indigenous governing bodies
  • Federally or Provincially incorporated not-for-profits whose mandate is to improve Indigenous outcomes
  • Indigenous development corporations
  • Private sector school bus operators, in partnership with a public school board or municipal/regional government
  • Private accessible transit bus operators, in partnership with a transit agency or municipal/regional government
  • Federally or Provincially incorporated not-for-profit organizations (associations, NGOs, academic institutions)
Eligible Applicants for Canadian Government Funding

Zero Emission Transit Fund

Eligible Activities

This program provides funding for two eligible components:

  • Planning Projects: Eligible projects include studies, modelling and feasibility analysis that will support the development of large scale capital projects. Planning projects will ensure that transit and school bus operators have established a comprehensive electrification plan and are prepared to submit applications for capital projects under ZETF; or
  • Capital Projects: Eligible capital projects support zero emission buses (ZEB) deployment and include procurement of buses, charging and refuelling infrastructure, and other ancillary infrastructure needs. Retrofits of conventional fuel buses to ZEBs are also eligible.
Eligible Expenses for Canadian Government Funding

Zero Emission Transit Fund

Program Deadline

Two-stage application process; applications accepted on a rolling, ongoing basis. Eligible expenses must be claimed before March 31, 2026, the program end date.

Program Deadline for Canadian Government Funding
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