OCI SmartStart Seed Fund

Receive up to $30,000 in Government Funding.

The Government of Ontario and the Ontario Centre of Innovation (OCI) are supporting youth (18-29) entrepreneurs involved in on-campus entrepreneurship activities through the SmartStart Seed Fund. Through this funding program, applicants can receive up to $30,000 in seed funding, as well as access to regional business and investment networks and resources.

Mentor Works Government Funding Application Success Rate

Demande de Financement

Donnez à votre demande les meilleures chances d’être approuvée. Ryan a un taux d’approbation de 86 % pour tous les programmes de financement canadiens.

Apply for This Program

OCI SmartStart Seed Fund

Amount of Funding

Successful applicants for the SmartStart Seed Fund may receive the following funding support:

  • Up to $30,000 in early-stage funding or 50% of eligible expenses (whichever is less);
  • Funding includes up to $7,500 towards costs for business skills training and support services; and
  • Access to business and investment resources is also supported.
Amount of Funding from the Canadian Government

OCI SmartStart Seed Fund

Eligible Applicants

An applicant may be eligible if they meet the following criteria:

  • Is a youth entrepreneurs between 18 nd 29 years of age, and is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident;
  • Has a viable business plan;
  • Is committed to growing an Ontario-based company; and
  • Has an incorporated start based in Canada that is linked to at least one Ontario college or university.
Eligible Applicants for Canadian Government Funding

OCI SmartStart Seed Fund

Eligible Activities

Activities may be eligible if they meet the following requirements:

  • Costs associated with launching/building a startup enterprise;
  • Costs associated with developing a prototype product, sourcing first customerss and solving real business needs; and
  • Entrepreneurship skills development.
Eligible Expenses for Canadian Government Funding

OCI SmartStart Seed Fund

Program Deadline

The OCI SmartStart Seed Fund is currently closed to applications, with no future intakes announced.

Program Deadline for Canadian Government Funding
Apply for Government Grants with Mentor Works for Time Savings

Demande de Financement

Nous permettons à nos clients de gagner en moyenne 95 % de temps par rapport aux entreprises qui font leur propre demande de financement.

Start Application

OCI SmartStart Seed Fund News

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