Regional Relief and Recovery Fund for Northern and Southern Ontario

Receive up to $60k to $1M in Government Funding.

Not all Canadian businesses have been able to meet the eligibility criteria to receive funding through the various federal and provincial COVID-19 support programs, which is why the Regional Relief and Recovery Fund (RRRF) was introduced by FedNor & FedDev Ontario to provide repayable interest-free loans that help support the fixed operating costs of these businesses. Find out if your business is eligible to receive these interest-free loans.

Attention: This program is currently closed. You can speak with a member of our team about future intake periods or similar funding programs you may be eligible for, get email updates through our weekly newsletter, or look through our list of available funding programs in our directory page.

Mentor Works Government Funding Application Success Rate

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Regional Relief and Recovery Fund (RRRF)

Amount of Funding

FedNor RRRF Northern Ontario Program

Unconditionally repayable and conditionally repayable contributions to eligible small and medium-sized enterprises, of normally up to a maximum of $500,000 for a period of up to twelve months (12).

FedDev Ontario RRRF Southern Ontario Program

  • Funding Option 1: Funding of $60,000 or less as a conditionally repayable contribution (interest-free loan).
  • Funding Option 2: Funding up to $1,000,000 as an unconditionally repayable contribution (interest-free loan).

Recipients of RRRF funding conditionally repayable financial assistance may be eligible for a top-up to a maximum of o $60,000 in additional conditionally repayable financial support.

Amount of Funding from the Canadian Government

Regional Relief and Recovery Fund (RRRF)

Eligible Applicants

FedNor RRRF Northern Ontario Program

Incorporated Canadian companies, corporations or co-operatives, or Indigenous organizations such as Indigenous/First Nation/Métis Settlement owned businesses, that:

  • Are located or operating in Northern Ontario;
  • Do not qualify, have been rejected from or have not accessed current Government of Canada COVID-19 relief supports or that can demonstrate the need for incremental support if funding was received from other programs;
  • Employ between 1 and 499 individuals on a full-time basis in Canada; and
  • Are negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

FedDev Ontario RRRF Southern Ontario Program

Southern Ontario businesses, co-operatives, partnerships, or Indigenous-owned businesses with 1-499 full-time employees may apply if they are:

  • Located in southern Ontario;
  • Facing funding pressures with fixed operating costs, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic;
  • Have applied to other Government of Canada COVID-19 relief measures for which they are eligible, as outlined in the program guidelines;
  • Were operational prior to March 15, 2020;
  • Are financially viable;
  • Plan to continue to operate or resume operations; and
  • Have an active business chequing/operating account.
Eligible Applicants for Canadian Government Funding

Regional Relief and Recovery Fund (RRRF)

Eligible Activities

The Regional Relief and Recovery Fund for supports a variety of fixed operating costs that have not been covered via other financial assistance programs, including:

  • Capital lease payments for existing equipment and machinery;
  • Salaries and benefits if not eligible or supported by other available federal COVID-19 relief measures;
  • Property taxes, utilities, and rent;
  • Bank charges and interest payments;
  • Professional fees;
  • Monthly insurance payments;
  • Personal protective equipment/safety (PPE/PPS) measures;
  • Cleaning expenses; and
  • One-time stabilization expenditures (including sanitary, distancing measures and/or one-off adaptation costs related to operating in the context of COVID-19).

Eligible costs are retroactive until March 15, 2020.

Eligible Expenses for Canadian Government Funding

Regional Relief and Recovery Fund (RRRF)

Program Deadline

The Regional Relief and Recovery Fund for Northern and Southern Ontario is currently closed. Please see other government funding programs.

Program Deadline for Canadian Government Funding
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Nous permettons à nos clients de gagner en moyenne 95 % de temps par rapport aux entreprises qui font leur propre demande de financement.

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Regional Relief and Recovery Fund (RRRF) News

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