Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF): Community Investments

Receive up to $75K to $250K in Grant Funding.

For more than 30 years, the Ontario Trillium Foundation has been awarding funding to develop and sustain strong communities in Ontario. Every year, over 1,300 charities and not-for-profit organizations (NFPs) are supported by OTF, enhancing community function and support. Organizations can receive $5k-$250k per year to complete community building projects that address critical issues through three streams: (1) Seed Grant, (2) Grow Grant, and (3) Capital Grant.

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Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF)

Amount of Funding

The Ontario Trillium Foundation provides community investment funding through these three streams:

Seed Grant

Successful applicants are eligible to receive up to $5,000 – $75,000 in grant funding.

Grow Grant

Successful applicants are eligible to receive up to $50,000 – $250,000 in grant funding.

Capital Grant

Successful applicants are eligible to receive up to $5,000 – $150,000 in grant funding.

Amount of Funding from the Canadian Government

Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF)

Eligible Applicants

The Ontario Trillium Foundation provides community investment for organizations matching this eligibility criteria:

Seed Grant

  • An Ontario presence;
  • A primary purpose of delivering a community benefit to Ontario;
  • Capacity to manage and see a project through to completion;
  • Provides financial records based on total organizational revenues;
  • An ability to generate resources for the community and other sources; and
  • Can demonstrate it is an appropriate organization to carry out the project.

Grow Grant

  • An Ontario presence;
  • A primary purpose of delivering a community benefit to Ontario;
  • Capacity to manage and see a project through to completion;
  • Provides financial records based on total organizational revenues;
  • An ability to generate resources for the community and other sources; and
  • Can demonstrate it is an appropriate organization to carry out the project.

Capital Grant

  • An Ontario presence;
  • A primary purpose of delivering a community benefit to Ontario;
  • Capacity to manage and see a project through to completion;
  • Provides financial records based on total organizational revenues;
  • An ability to generate resources for the community and other sources; and
  • Can demonstrate it is an appropriate organization to carry out the project.

Applicants looking for programs related to COVID-19 support may be eligible for the Ontario Trillium Foundation’s Community Building Fund or the Resilient Communities Fund .

Eligible Applicants for Canadian Government Funding

Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF)

Eligible Activities

The Ontario Trillium Foundation provides community investment for organizations matching these eligibility criteria:

Seed Grant

Supports projects that drive positive community change:

  • Tackle an emerging issue in the community;
  • Conduct a feasibility study;
  • Research a new and innovative concept; and
  • Develop a pilot project or new idea to fruition.

The Seed Grant results should reflect:

  • Higher quality programs and infrastructure for the community;
  • A more active lifestyle community;
  • An improvement in diversity and multicultural understanding;
  • A more engaged and collaborative community for arts, heritage, and youth;
  • Reduced social isolation; and
  • Reduced negative impacts on the environment.

Grow Grant

Supports projects that improve, recreate and adapt projects that are proven to be successful elsewhere:

  • Scaling up a program that is already being delivered for a greater impact;
  • Improve an existing program’s quality of impact; and
  • Launch, or adapt a different program for trial.

The Grow Grant results should reflect:

  • More active people;
  • Connected communities;
  • Green conscientiousness;
  • Inspiration through arts and heritage;
  • Support for community youth; and
  • Economic prosperity.

Capital Grant

Supports projects that provide communities with suitable, accessible buildings and spaces:

  • Equipment;
  • New construction;
  • Community space repairs; and
  • Purchasing land or buildings.

The Capital Grant results should reflect:

  • Infrastructure for physical activities;
  • More active people in the community;
  • Diverse groups come together;
  • Sustainable facilities; and
  • Supporting community arts, heritage, and youth engagement.
Eligible Expenses for Canadian Government Funding

Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF)

Program Timelines

Seed Grant

  • There are currently no upcoming deadlines for the Seed Grant; and
  • A terms maximum length is 12 months.

Grow Grant

  • There are currently no upcoming deadlines for the Seed Grant; and
  • A terms maximum length is 24 months.

Capital Grant

  • There are currently no upcoming deadlines for the Seed Grant; and
  • A terms maximum length is 12 months.
Program Deadline for Canadian Government Funding
Apply for Government Grants with Mentor Works for Time Savings

Demande de Financement

Nous permettons à nos clients de gagner en moyenne 95 % de temps par rapport aux entreprises qui font leur propre demande de financement.

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Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) News

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