Electric Vehicle (EV) ChargeON Program

Receive up to $1M Per Project.

The Government of Ontario recently launched the EV ChargeON Program to support the installation of public electric vehicle charging stations in Ontario communities outside of large urban centres. This program aims to improve coverage of EV fast chargers to reduce range anxiety by filling existing gaps and support long-distance travel.

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EV ChargeON Program

Amount of Funding

  • Municipalities and Indigenous business can receive up to 75% and all other applicants up to 50% of eligible project costs to a maximum of $1M.
  • Funding is determined based on charger type installed:
    • Level 2 (3.3 kW to 19 kW) – Max of $5,000 per port
    • Level 3 (20 kW to 49 kW) – Max of $15,000 per port
    • Level 3 (50 kW to 99 kW) – Max of $50,000 per port
    • Level 3 (100 kW to 199 kW) – Max of $75,000 per port
    • Level 3 (200 kW and above) – Max of $100,000 per port
Amount of Funding from the Canadian Government

EV ChargeON Program

Eligible Applicants

Applicants are eligible if they meet the following criteria:

  • Eligible applicants, located and operating in Ontario, include:
    • businesses (small or medium-sized businesses are encouraged to apply)
    • not-for-profit corporations
    • municipal governments
    • Indigenous communities, organizations or businesses
    • broader public sector organizations
  • Must be the current owner of the site, or have written approval from the owner or Band Council, to install and operate the charging station for a minimum of 5 years.
Eligible Applicants for Canadian Government Funding

EV ChargeON Program

Eligible Activities

EV charging station sites must:

  • be publicly accessible 24/7;
  • at minimum, include at least one of:
    • four Level 2 ports;
    • one Level 3 port and one Level 2 port; or
    • two Level 3 ports;
  • include the following connector types:
    • Level 2 chargers: SAE J1772 standard connector;
    • Level 3 chargers: Combined Charging System (CCS) connectors must represent a minimum of 25% of the connectors at a site; remaining connectors may include CCS, NACS, and/or CHAdeMO; and
  • be located in a community with a population of 170,000 or less or in any Indigenous community in Ontario.

Eligible Expenses covered under this program includes: Capital Expenses; Professional Services; Rental Fees or Leasing Costs; and License Fees and Permits.

Eligible Expenses for Canadian Government Funding

EV ChargeON Program

Program Deadline

  • The program is deadline is January 31st, 2024.
  • Decisions will be announced Spring 2024. 
  • Applicants have 24 months from the agreement date to install and operationalize the chargers.
Program Deadline for Canadian Government Funding
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