OCI – Critical Industrial Technologies Initiative

Receive up to $10K – $1M in Government Funding.

The Critical Industrial Technologies Initiative (CITI) emerges as a strategic framework designed to fortify Canada’s industrial landscape against emerging threats and disruptions. By fostering innovation, enhancing supply chain resilience, and promoting sustainable practices, CITI aims to bolster the foundational technologies essential to Canada’s economic future. Through collaborative efforts between government, industry leaders, and research institutions, CITI strives to ensure that Canada remains at the forefront of global innovation while safeguarding its technological sovereignty.

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OCI – Critical Industrial Technologies Initiative

Amount of Funding

Each stream under the CITI has a unique funding opportunity:

  • Development and Commercialization Program​: 50% to maximum of $200,000.
  • Sector Adoption Program: 33% to maximum of $1M.
  • Future Ready Program: 50% to maximum of $10,000​.
  • Talent Development Internship: ​50% to maximum of $20,000, $10,000 per 4-month unit​.
Amount of Funding from the Canadian Government

OCI – Critical Industrial Technologies Initiative

Eligible Applicants

Eligible applicants must be within the mining, advanced manufacturing (non-auto), agri-food, and construction​ sector.

  • Development and Commercialization Program​: SMEs less than 500 FTEs, potential to commercialize results from the project​.
  • Sector Adoption Program: Consortium of 3 partners working together to address the challenge statement​.
  • Future Ready Program: SMEs less than 500 FTEs.
  • Talent Development Internship: ​50% to maximum of $20,000, $10,000 per 4-month unit​.
Eligible Applicants for Canadian Government Funding

OCI – Critical Industrial Technologies Initiative

Eligible Activities

Projects may be eligible if they:

  • Development and Commercialization Program​: Program supports access to a Technology Development Site to integrate, develop, test and showcase their critical technologies solution.
  • Sector Adoption Program: Projects must align with specific Ontario government SA Challenge Statements.
  • Future Ready Program: Program supports SMEs to adopt new critical technologies through upskilling/reskilling staff and will support hiring an external third-party consultant to train employees.​
  • Talent Development Internship: Program supports an intern to work on industry-driven projects related to one of the critical technologies. ​
Eligible Expenses for Canadian Government Funding

OCI – Critical Industrial Technologies Initiative

Program Timeline

Get in touch with us today to learn about program timelines and details.

Program Deadline for Canadian Government Funding
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OCI – Critical Industrial Technologies Initiative

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