Industry Commercialization Associate Program (ICAP)

Receive up to $120,000 for Commercialization Funding.

The Industry Commercialization Associate Program (ICAP) provides high-potential, high-growth SMEs with funding to enable them to employ a highly trained resource with the goal of advancing business readiness levels and/or accelerating product commercialization. The Industry Associate has the advanced technical skills required by the SME to make that last leap from research to commercializing a marketable product.

Mentor Works Government Funding Application Success Rate

Demande de Financement

Donnez à votre demande les meilleures chances d’être approuvée. Ryan a un taux d’approbation de 86 % pour tous les programmes de financement canadiens.

Apply for This Program

Industry Commercialization Associate Program (ICAP)

Amount of Funding

Successful applicants for this program may be eligible for the following funding allotments:

  • Up to 75% of the Associate’s salary to a maximum of $120,000 in non-dilutive funding
  • Funding amounts will be determined by the Associate’s experience and education level.
Amount of Funding from the Canadian Government

Industry Commercialization Associate Program (ICAP)

Eligible Applicants

Applicants may be eligible for this program if they meet the following criteria:

  • Exist as a corporate person, with up-to-date corporate filings;
  • Be incorporated in Alberta AND/OR incorporated in another jurisdiction and extra-provincially registered in Alberta;
  • Be a General Partnership, Limited Partnership, or Limited Liability Partnership and registered in Alberta.
  • Be an SME (less than 500 FTEs & $50M in annual gross revenue)
  • Companies must be Alberta-based with an Alberta footprint, which includes a significant physical and corporate operational presence in Alberta; appropriate Alberta ownership; and discernible intent that operational benefits will flow primarily within the Province of Alberta.
  • Not have more than two (2) active Alberta Innovates-funded associates simultaneously.

Eligible Associates must:

  • Demonstrate the relationship between the Applicant and Associate does not create a conflict of interest.
  • Be at arm’s length from the Applicant (i.e., no legal relationship to the Applicant).
  • Not currently own, have no right, option, or entitlement to purchase more than 15% of the issued and outstanding shares of the Applicant.
  • Not have been an Associate for the Applicant other than in the case of a re-application.
  • Not have been employed by the Applicant for more than twelve (12) months prior to the submission date of the application.
  • Provide a letter indicating the Associate’s intention to participate in the Project at the time of the application.
  • Intend to live in the Province of Alberta at least for the duration of the Investment in the Project.
Eligible Applicants for Canadian Government Funding

Industry Commercialization Associate Program (ICAP)

Eligible Activities

Eligible Projects must:

  • Align with the objectives of the Program.
  • TRL level between 3 and 9
  • be completed within the 1-year term; and
  • Comply with other criteria that Alberta Innovates may develop from time to time.

The project may be eligible for a second year of funding with the same Associate if:

  • The Associate lives and works in Alberta; and
  • The progress report indicates the project is on track and confirms the Associate’s contribution to the milestones; and
  • The second-year project is supported by the Applicant’s TDA.
Eligible Expenses for Canadian Government Funding

Industry Commercialization Associate Program (ICAP)

Program Deadline

Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis.

Program Deadline for Canadian Government Funding
Apply for Government Grants with Mentor Works for Time Savings

Demande de Financement

Nous permettons à nos clients de gagner en moyenne 95 % de temps par rapport aux entreprises qui font leur propre demande de financement.

Start Application

Industry Commercialization Associate Program (ICAP)

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