DIGITAL – Horizon AI’s Technology Commercialization

Receive Up to $3M in Artificial Intelligence (AI) Funding.

DIGITAL (Previously known as Digital Supercluster) has a Call for Proposals open for technology commercialization projects under Horizon AI. The Horizon AI’s Technology Commercialization will co-invest in the early stages of commercialization and adoption of 10-15 ambitious projects developing Canadian-owned AI solutions.

Areas of Interest for call are:

  • AI for Health: Using AI to support the resiliency and sustainability of health care systems and advance care in ways that support healthy living, are easy to access, and deliver positive outcomes.
  • AI for Earth: Using AI to advance environmental health and support the transition to clean agriculture & natural resources.
  • AI for Service: Using AI to augment service and support decision-making with virtual assistants.
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Apply for This Program

DIGITAL – Horizon AI’s Technology Commercialization

Amount of Funding

  • Up to 35% of total eligible costs to a minimum of $1M.
  • Minimum Project Size: $3M
  • There is no maximum project size.
Amount of Funding from the Canadian Government

DIGITAL – Horizon AI’s Technology Commercialization

Eligible Applicants

Eligible Members:

  • DIGITAL provides co-investment only to Member organizations (“Eligible Members”) that are:
    • For-profit organizations;
    • Not-for-profit organizations whose 50% of funding and/or revenue is from private-sector or industry organizations
    • Non-federal Crown corporations whose funding is derived from commercial activities
    • Indigenous organizations
  • Other not-for-profit organizations, governments, post-secondary and research institutions, DIGITAL Associates, and non-Canadian organizations can participate in projects but cannot receive direct co-investment

Eligible Consortia: Eligible Members must come together to form a consortium:

  • Must be led by an industry organization
  • Must consist of at least three organizations
  • Can include organizations located outside of Canada
  • Must consist of at least one must be a Canadian SME
  • Must consist of at least one organization representing a potential customer of the AI technology solution.
  • Must consist of at least one research or post-secondary academic institution
  • All participating organizations must be Members or Associates at the time of application submission.
Eligible Applicants for Canadian Government Funding

DIGITAL – Horizon AI’s Technology Commercialization

Eligible Activities

  • Aim to achieve early commercialization and adoption of AI technology solutions that address well-defined problems in the Areas of Interest described above
  • Projects may be a combination of one or more of the following:
    • “Follow-on” opportunities to support the early commercialization and adoption of AI technology solutions that were developed with prior investment from DIGITAL;
    • Early commercialization and adoption of existing Canadian-owned AI technology solutions in new target markets (i.e., international expansion, adjacent markets); and 
    • Improvements or new developments to address verified product/market fit gaps for the purposes of commercialization and adoption of the AI technology solution.

Eligible Costs:

  • Portion of base wages or salaries and benefits
  • Equipment costs including purchase, rental, operation, and maintenance
  • Materials and supplies
  • User fees.
  • Incremental room or facility rentals
  • Incremental costs to support conferences and related telecommunication expenses
  • Travel costs
  • Dissemination costs
  • Capital expenditures
  • Other related costs at the program’s discretion
Eligible Expenses for Canadian Government Funding

DIGITAL – Horizon AI’s Technology Commercialization

Program Deadline

  • Projects may take up to 2 years to complete. All projects must be completed by December 31, 2025.
  • Funds are limited and it is a competitive process. All applications will be reviewed and evaluated on a continuous-intake basis.
Program Deadline for Canadian Government Funding
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Demande de Financement

Nous permettons à nos clients de gagner en moyenne 95 % de temps par rapport aux entreprises qui font leur propre demande de financement.

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DIGITAL – Horizon AI’s Technology Commercialization

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