Supply Chain Stability and Adaptability Program

Receive up to $125,000 in Agri-Food Funding Support.

The Supply Chain Stability and Adaptability Program supports the economic recovery and resiliency of Ontario’s Agri-food sector with $10 million in funding available via two streams:

The Agri-Food Supply Chain Infrastructure Investment Stream (SCII) helps acquire equipment and assets necessary to grow capacity to meet the increased demand for Ontario-grown and produced food products; and The Agri-Food Supply Chain Resiliency Analysis Stream (SCRA) is aimed at identifying and addressing market and supply chain challenges driven or worsened by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Attention: This program is currently closed. You can speak with a member of our team about future intake periods or similar funding programs you may be eligible for, get email updates through our weekly newsletter, or look through our list of available funding programs in our directory page.

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Supply Chain Stability and Adaptability Program

Amount of Funding

Agri-Food Supply Chain Infrastructure Investment Stream (SCII):

  • Receive up to 25% of eligible costs, up to a maximum of $150,000 per project.

Agri-Food Supply Chain Resiliency Analysis Stream:

  • Receive up to 50% of eligible costs, up to a maximum of $50,000 per project.
Amount of Funding from the Canadian Government

Supply Chain Stability and Adaptability Program

Eligible Applicants

Agri-Food Supply Chain Infrastructure Investment Stream (SCII)

Applicants must be:

  • Located in Ontario
  • Agri-Food Businesses, including:
  • Farms that supply Ontario food processing businesses with their products;
  • Farms with production and on-site agri-food processing activities; and,
  • Food Processing Businesses that source a significant portion of agricultural inputs from Ontario farms.
  • Be involved in the production of processed food for human consumption
  • Applicants cannot submit applications for both streams.

Agri-Food Supply Chain Resiliency Analysis Stream

Applicants must be:

  • Located in Ontario
  • Not-for-profit Agri-Food organizations representing agri-food businesses
  • Agri-Food Businesses, including:
  • Farms that supply Ontario food processing businesses with their products;
  • Farms with production and on-site agri-food processing activities; and,
  • Food Processing Businesses that source a significant portion of agricultural inputs from Ontario farms.
  • Be involved in the production of processed food for human consumption
  • Applicants cannot submit applications for both streams.
Eligible Applicants for Canadian Government Funding

Supply Chain Stability and Adaptability Program

Eligible Activities

Agri-Food Supply Chain Infrastructure Investment Stream (SCII)

Eligible activities may include:

  • Capital improvements, including modifications to existing buildings and/or mobile facilities and construction of new buildings and/or mobile facilities;
  • Upgrades to utilities;
  • Growing, processing, and manufacturing equipment and construction;
  • Packaging and handling equipment;
  • Technology that allows increased capacity or business resilience (including software and hardware related to business functions, robotics, logistics, inventory management, plant production, and monitoring controls, to enable extended or year-round production); and
  • Technical assistance, including engineering and construction planning, land use planning, facility design, and configuration planning, and other services that directly support future implementation of infrastructure-related capacity-building projects.

Agri-Food Supply Chain Resiliency Analysis Stream

Eligible activities may include:

  • Supply chain stability audit to identify, analyze and mitigate the risks inherent in working with other businesses as part of a supply chain;
  • Development of supply chain risk management or mitigation plans that identify potential supply chain-related risks, with action plans developed for priority areas;
  • Supplier risk management plans to rapidly pivot to substitutes when needed;
  • Analysis or feasibility studies to support addressing vulnerabilities for critical products or inputs; and
  • Business continuity and resilience plans.
Eligible Expenses for Canadian Government Funding

Supply Chain Stability and Adaptability Program

Program Deadline

The Agri-Food Supply Chain Infrastructure Investment Stream (SCII) is currently closed.

The Agri-Food Supply Chain Resiliency Analysis Stream is currently closed.

Program Deadline for Canadian Government Funding
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Demande de Financement

Nous permettons à nos clients de gagner en moyenne 95 % de temps par rapport aux entreprises qui font leur propre demande de financement.

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