Regional Quantum Initiative (RQI) in British Columbia

Receive up to 90% of Total Costs in Quantum Funding.

Through the Regional Quantum Initiative (RQI) in British Columbia quantum products and solutions will be advanced and commercialized by businesses and not-for-profit organizations across British Columbia in fields such as quantum computing, sensors, and more.

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Regional Quantum Initiative (RQI) in British Columbia

Amount of Funding

Applicants may receive the following funding amount:

  • Businesses can receive interest-free loans for up to 50% of eligible expenses;
  • Up to 90% of eligible costs may be covered by non-repayable funding for not-for-profit organizations;
  • Reimbursable funding is normally available to eligible not-for-profit organizations pursuing commercial projects; and
  • Business or commercial projects can stack up to 50% of eligible capital costs and 75% of other eligible costs with government funding (from all three orders of government).
Amount of Funding from the Canadian Government

Regional Quantum Initiative (RQI) in British Columbia

Eligible Applicants

It is necessary for for-profit applicants to:

  • Be a Canadian-incorporated for-profit company;
  • In British Columbia, they have operating facilities that are staffed; and
  • Confirm all other funding sources, including government and non-government, at the time of application (non-government funds must account for at least 50% of the proposed project costs).

Non-profit organizations that support quantum businesses, innovators, and entrepreneurs
Starting up, growing, producing, commercializing, adopting, exporting, and attracting investment, including:

  • Universities and colleges that offer post-secondary education;
  • Incubators and accelerators for businesses;
  • Networks of angel investors;
  • Including Indigenous-owned businesses and Indigenous-led not-for-profits, Indigenous (First Nations, Inuit, Métis) organizations; and
  • An industry association or consortium may be an eligible recipient group.

Applicants must be legal entities capable of entering into legally binding contracts.

Eligible Applicants for Canadian Government Funding

Regional Quantum Initiative (RQI) in British Columbia

Eligible Activities

Projects may be eligible for funding if they improve the following focus areas:

  • Quantum computers;
  • Quantum software;
  • Quantum sensors;
  • Quantum communications; or
  • Quantum materials.

Projects will be considered on their ability to contribute to:

  • Productivity improvement;
  • Business scale-up;
  • Technology commercialization;
  • Ecosystem capacity building; and
  • Business acceleration and incubation.

Priority may be given to projects that contribute to clean economic growth and diversity, equity and inclusion projects.

Eligible Expenses for Canadian Government Funding

Regional Quantum Initiative (RQI) in British Columbia

Program Deadline

A continuous intake of applications will be conducted until the funding is allocated in full. Until March 31, 2028, Regional Quantum Initiative funding can be used for eligible initiatives. 

Program Deadline for Canadian Government Funding
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Nous permettons à nos clients de gagner en moyenne 95 % de temps par rapport aux entreprises qui font leur propre demande de financement.

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Regional Quantum Initiative (RQI) in British Columbia News

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