OCI – Technology Demonstration Program

Receive up to $150,000 in Tech Adoption Funding.

The OCI – Technology Demonstration Program (TDP) supports SMEs that have completed a DMAP project to adopt and implement the digital technology identified in their DMAP, accelerating the growth of the SME, while supporting the commercialization of Made-in-Ontario digital technologies.

This program is administered through Ontario Centre for Innovation (OCI).

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Apply for This Program

OCI – Technology Demonstration Program

Amount of Funding

Access up to 50% of eligible costs up to $150,000 per applicant.

Amount of Funding from the Canadian Government

OCI – Technology Demonstration Program

Eligible Applicants

Applicants may be eligible for the OCI – Digital Modernization and Adoption Plan (DMAP) program if they:

  • Must be incorporated federally or provincially with a valid Business Number;
  • Must be a for-profit, privately owned business;
  • Have between 1 – 499 FTEs;
  • Have a permanent establishment in Ontario;
  • Have completed a Digital Modernization and Adoption Program (DMAP) project; and
  • Have at least $500,000 of annual revenues in one of the previous three tax years.
Eligible Applicants for Canadian Government Funding

OCI – Technology Demonstration Program

Eligible Activities

Projects may be eligible for funding under this initiative if they:

  • Must support the adoption and implementation of commercialized digital technology by an SME in partnership with a digital vendor and align with their completed DMAP;
  • Must be a partnership between an SME and a technology vendor firm preferably located in Ontario; and
  • Must significantly accelerate the SMEs’ digital transformation, on their commercialized technologies, and have a high impact on the business.
Eligible Expenses for Canadian Government Funding

OCI – Technology Demonstration Program

Program Deadline

Applications for this fund are now being accepted on a rolling basis.

Program Deadline for Canadian Government Funding
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Nous permettons à nos clients de gagner en moyenne 95 % de temps par rapport aux entreprises qui font leur propre demande de financement.

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OCI – Technology Demonstration Program News

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