Mitacs Elevate

Receive up to $30,000 in Grant Funding.

The Mitacs Elevate program provides support to industry/academic partnerships to solve critical industry issues through innovative means. For Ontario, funding priority is given to projects in the following industries: Health Science & Tech, Clean Tech, Dig Media & ICT, Advanced Manufacturing, Finance, Automotive.

To learn more about other programs offered by the Mitacs organization, visit the Mitacs home page.

Mentor Works Government Funding Application Success Rate

Demande de Financement

Donnez à votre demande les meilleures chances d’être approuvée. Ryan a un taux d’approbation de 86 % pour tous les programmes de financement canadiens.

Apply for This Program

Mitacs Elevate

Amount of Funding

Eligible partner organizations may have a project budget of up to $60,000/year for two years: $30,000 Mitacs grant + $30,000 company contribution.

This includes a $5,000 stipend for fellows and an allotment for research costs, equipment, etc. that may amount up to $5,000.

Amount of Funding from the Canadian Government

Mitacs Elevate

Eligible Applicants

A partnering organization for the Mitacs Elevate program may be eligible if they meet the following criteria:

  • Canadian or have a Canadian location of a foreign-owned organization
  • The organization will be an end user of the research;
  • The partnering organization has a site where the fellow undertakes at least 50% of the fellowship interacting with the partner;
  • The organization is a for-profit corporation or a crown corporation that is receiving less than 50% of their revenues from any government source; and
  • The organization is an eligible not-for-profit (NFP) corporation. This may include industry associations, charities, or economic development organizations.
Eligible Applicants for Canadian Government Funding

Mitacs Elevate

Eligible Activities

EligibleMitacs activities must be related to solving a challenge for Canadians. Below is a list of examples for eligible activities:

  • A project which id determining and identifying certain barriers to meaningful employment of blind Canadians with the goal of creating improved employment opportunities for an underemployed population;
  • How to design themed video games and apps for a theatre festival so that the festival gains a new audience; and
  • how to develop a pilot program to helps stroke victims return to work which may be implemented to reduce recovery times and a provide a faster return to the workplace.
Eligible Expenses for Canadian Government Funding

Mitacs Elevate

Program Deadline

Bi-annual call for proposals (spring and fall).

Program Deadline for Canadian Government Funding
Apply for Government Grants with Mentor Works for Time Savings

Demande de Financement

Nous permettons à nos clients de gagner en moyenne 95 % de temps par rapport aux entreprises qui font leur propre demande de financement.

Start Application

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