Agricultural Clean Technology (ACT) Program

Receive up to $2M per project in Grant Funding.

The Agricultural Clean Technology (ACT) Program is a $190-million investment that aims to support research, development, and adoption of clean technologies through investments in, and promotion of precision agriculture and agri-based bioproducts. These technologies must help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, generate a wide range of positive impacts, and promote sustainable and clean growth. Funding is allocated through two streams: (1) the Adoption Stream and (2) the Research and Innovation Stream.

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Agricultural Clean Technology (ACT) Program

Amount of Funding

Adoption Stream

  • Funding contributions are non-repayable;
  • Projects should exceed a value of $50,000 of total eligible project costs;
  • The maximum total allotment may not exceed $2 million per project;
  • For-profit organizations may receive up to a maximum of 50% of project costs; and
  • Not-for-profit organizations may receive up to a maximum of 75% of project costs.

Research and Innovation Stream

  • Contributions will be non-repayable for research, development and demonstration activities; contributions will be repayable where activities involve commercialization and scale-up;
  • Up to 50% contribution, with maximum contributions of up to $2M per project with multiple project not generally exceeding $5M; and
  • Additional funding may be available for organizations or businesses owned or led by under-represented groups (youth, women, indigenous groups, visible minorities, and persons with disabilities).
Amount of Funding from the Canadian Government

Agricultural Clean Technology (ACT) Program

Eligible Applicants

Adoption Stream

  • Applicants must be legal, Canadian, entities;
  • For-profit organizations, agriculture and farm businesses included;
  • Not-for-profit organizations;
  • Individuals; and
  • Indigenous organizations.

Research and Innovation Stream

  • Applicants must be legal, Canadian, entities;
  • For-profit organizations, agri-food processors included;
  • Not-for-profit organizations; co-operatives included and
  • Indigenous organizations.
Eligible Applicants for Canadian Government Funding

Agricultural Clean Technology (ACT) Program

Eligible Activities

Adoption Stream

  • Improvements to energy efficiency systems and technologies;
  • Costs related to agriculture technology which allows for greater precision, such as equipment purchase and installation; and
  • Bioeconomic solutions which utilize waste for the generation of energy.

Research and Innovation Stream

  • Activities related to developing and commercializing clean technologies;
  • Piloting and evaluating clean technologies;
  • Demonstration and knowledge and technology transfer activities;
  • Commercializing and scaling up clean technologies; or
  • Other activities that support the R&I Stream as determined by the program.
Eligible Expenses for Canadian Government Funding

Agricultural Clean Technology (ACT) Program

Program Deadline

Adoption Stream

  • Applications will be accepted from June 1, 2023 until June 22, 2023
  • Projects cannot begin until approval is received.
  • Projects cost can be incurred from the date of the submission of a complete application.
  • All projects for the Adoption Stream must be completed by March 31, 2026.

Research and Innovation Stream

  • Two step application process: Project Summary and Full Application (invite only).
  • All projects under the R&I stream must be completed by March 31, 2028.
Program Deadline for Canadian Government Funding
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