Government Funding Directory
Canadian Government Grant, Loan, and Funding Programs Mentor Works Can Write for Your Business.
Find Canadian small business grants, tax credits, and no-interest loans from the federal and provincial governments. There are various federal and provincial funding programs for your small, medium-sized enterprises (SME) sized business. Organizations are also eligible for funding programs, such as non-profits, post-secondary research institutions, municipalities, and more.
Grants, tax credits, and loan programs can assist your business through four main categories of funding (1) hiring or training employees, (2) research & development projects, (3) business expansion projects, or (4) capital and technology adoption. The key to accessing these programs is knowing which ones provide the best fit for your organization and upcoming projects.
Mentor Works team of Canadian government grant & loan application writers have an average success rate of 86% across all government funding programs and provide our clients with an average of 95% time savings. Speak with a member of our team to find out what programs your business may be eligible for by calling us at 1-888-599-3111 or visiting our Get Funding Help page.
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Use the filtering options below:
Funding Programs | Region | Funding Activity | Description | Learn More | Show on Site? | Tags |
Accelerating Innovations Into Care | Alberta | Research & Development |
Yes | ||
Accessible Technology Program (ATP) | Canada-wide | Research & Development |
Yes | software, non profit, | |
Advanced Manufacturing and Innovation Competitiveness (AMIC) | Ontario | Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | manufacturing | |
African Swine Flu: Welfare Slaughter and Disposal Stream | Canada-wide | Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | agri, food | |
AG Action Manitoba | Manitoba | Business Expansion |
Yes | agri, food | |
Agri-Food and Bioindustrial Innovation Program (ABIP) | Alberta | Research & Development |
Yes | agri, food | |
Agri-Tech Innovation Cost-Share Program | Ontario | Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | food, manufacturing, cleantech, non profit, agri, | |
AgriAssurance: SME Stream | Canada-wide | Business Expansion |
Yes | food, manufacturing, agri, | |
Agricultural Clean Technology Program (ACT) | Canada-wide | Research & Development |
Yes | food, manufacturing, agri, | |
Agriculture Labour Task Force Grant Program (ALTF) | Alberta | Hiring & Training |
Yes | agri, hiring | |
Agtech Growth Fund (AGF) | Saskatchewan | Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | food, agri, | |
Alberta Aviation Skills Grant (ASG) | Alberta | Hiring & Training |
Yes | training, aviation, aerospace | |
Alberta Export Expansion Program (AEEP) | Alberta | Business Expansion |
Yes | ||
Alberta Innovates: Industry Commercialization Associates Program | Alberta | Research & Development |
Yes | research, | |
Product Demonstration Program | Alberta | Research & Development |
Yes | research, cleantech | |
Alberta Innovates: Voucher Program | Alberta | Research & Development |
Yes | ||
Alberta Media Fund | Alberta | Research & Development |
Yes | software, | |
APMA: Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Fund | Ontario | Hiring & Training |
Yes | automotive, | |
Bioenterprise - Sustainable Growth and Adoption Program (SGAP) | Ontario | Business Expansion |
Yes | agriculture, food, agri, tech, sustainability | |
British Columbia’s Project Feasibility Studies Program | British Columbia | Research & Development |
Yes | research, feasibility | |
Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage – Local Festivals Program | Canada-wide | Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | municipality, non profit, | |
Canada Community Revitalization Fund (CCRF) | Canada-wide | Business Expansion |
Yes | municipality, non profit, covid | |
Canada Cultural Spaces Fund (CCSF) | Canada-wide | Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | municipality, | |
Canada Digital Adoption Program (CDAP) | Canada-wide | Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | software, tech, media | |
Canada Growth Fund | Canada-wide | Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | software, tech, media, cleantech, manufacturing, | |
Canada Job Grant (CJG) | Canada-wide | Hiring & Training |
Yes | exporting, food, software, manufacturing, auto, northern ontario, cleantech | |
Canada Media Fund: Experimental Stream | Canada-wide | Business Expansion Capital & Tech Adoption Research & Development |
Yes | software, cleantech, | |
Canada Small Business Financing Program (CSBFP) | Canada-wide | Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | exporting, food, software, manufacturing, auto, | |
Canada Summer Jobs | Canada-wide | Hiring & Training |
Yes | exporting, food, software, manufacturing, auto, northern ontario, cleantech | |
Canada Travelling Exhibitions Indemnification Program | Canada-wide | Business Expansion |
Yes | municipality | |
Canadian Agri-Food Automation and Intelligence Network (CAAIN) – Smart Farms Program | Canada-wide | Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | food, agri, | |
Canadian Food Innovation Network (CFIN) | Canada-wide | Research & Development |
Yes | agri, food | |
Canadian International Innovation Program (CIIP) | Canada-wide | Research & Development |
Yes | non profit, | |
CanExport SMEs | Canada-wide | Business Expansion |
Yes | exporting, food, software, manufacturing, auto, northern ontario, cleantech, | |
Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS) and Hydrogen Program | Alberta | Research & Development |
Yes | cleantech, research, natural gas | |
Career-Ready with CTMA: Expanding Opportunities | Ontario | Hiring & Training |
Yes | manufacturing, auto, cleantech, non profit, | |
Celebrate Ontario Blockbuster (COB) Program | Ontario | Business Expansion |
Yes | municipality | |
CFIN - Unpuzzling: Greening Your Food Manufacturing Operation | Canada-wide | Research & Development |
Yes | food, manufacturing, sustainability | |
CFIN FoodTech Next Program | Canada-wide | Research & Development |
Yes | food | |
Clean Energy for Rural and Remote Communities Program | Canada-wide | Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | municipality, energy, cleantech | |
Clean Fuels Awareness (CFA) Program | Canada-wide | Research & Development |
Yes | municipality, energy, cleantech | |
CleanBC Custom Incentives – Capital Incentive Stream | British Columbia | Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | cleantech, energy | |
CleanBC Customs Program – Energy Study Incentive Stream | British Columbia | Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | cleantech, energy | |
CME’s Technology Investment Program (TIP) | Ontario | Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | southern ontario, manufacturing | |
Commemorate Canada Program | Canada-wide | Business Expansion |
Yes | municipality, covid | |
Commercial Vehicle Pilots Program (CVP) | British Columbia | Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | auto, commercial | |
Community Support, Multiculturalism, and Anti-Racism Initiatives Program | Canada-wide | Hiring & Training |
Yes | municipality | |
Creative Export Canada (CEC) (Main Program Page) | Canada-wide | Business Expansion |
Yes | tech, arts | |
Creative Export Canada – Export Development Stream | Canada-wide | Business Expansion |
Yes | tech, arts | |
Creative Export Canada – Export Ready Stream | Canada-wide | Business Expansion |
Yes | tech, arts | |
Critical Minerals Infrastructure Fund | Canada-wide | Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | cleantech, minerals, | |
Critical Minerals Innovation Fund (CMIF) | Ontario | Research & Development |
Yes | minerals, energy, ontario | |
Critical Minerals Sustainability and Circularity | Canada-wide | Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | minerals, research, | |
Customer Demonstration Program | Ontario | Research & Development |
Yes | non profit, | |
DELIA – NCFDC | Canada-wide | Capital & Tech Adoption Business Expansion Hiring & Training Research & Development |
Yes | food, forest, manufacturing, energy, tech, software, agri | |
DIGITAL – Horizon AI’s Technology Commercialization | Canada-wide | Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | agi, software, auto, cleantech, | |
DIGITAL – Technology Leadership Program (Cycle 6) | Canada-wide | Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | agi, software, auto, cleantech, | |
Digital Supercluster Capacity Building Program | Canada-wide | Hiring & Training |
Yes | tech, software | |
Digital Supercluster Technology Leadership Funding | Canada-wide | Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | tech, software | |
Eastern Ontario Development Fund (EODF) | Ontario | Business Expansion Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | forest, manufacturing, energy, tech, software, municipality, non profit, agri | |
Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Demonstration (EVID) Program | Canada-wide | Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | automotive, | |
Electric Vehicle ChargeON Program | Ontario | Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | auto, cleantech, ontario | |
Emissions Reduction Alberta (ERA) | Alberta | Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | forest, manufacturing, energy, tech, software, municipality, non profit, agri | |
Enabling Accessibility Fund (EAF) | Canada-wide | Capital & Tech Adoption |
EnAbling Change Program | Ontario | Research & Development |
Yes | non profit | |
Enhanced Agri-Food Workplace Protection Program | Ontario | Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | agri, covid | |
ESB – Expanded Technologies Pilot Program (ETP) | Alberta | Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | energy | |
Export Support Fund | Alberta | Business Expansion |
Yes | exporting, | |
FedDev Ontario | Ontario | Business Expansion Capital & Tech Adoption Research & Development |
Yes | exporting, food, software, manufacturing, auto, cleantech, | |
FedDev Ontario Regional Artificial Intelligence Initiative (RAII) | Ontario | Business Expansion |
Yes | manufacturing, cleantech, energy, software, non profit, agri, tech, forest | |
FedDev Ontario Regional Homebuilding Innovation Initiative (RHII) | Ontario | Business Expansion |
Yes | manufacturing, cleantech, energy, software, non profit, agri, tech, forest | |
Food Processing Growth Fund (FPG) | British Columbia | Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | food, manufacturing | |
Forest Biomass Program (FBP) | Ontario | Business Expansion |
Yes | agri, northern ontario, | |
Forest Sector Investment and Innovation Program (FSIIP) | Ontario | Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | agri, northern ontario, | |
GIFMP’s Energy Efficiency Solutions (EES) Stream | Canada-wide | Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | cleantech, municipality, energy | |
GIFMP’s Industrial Facility track (IFT) | Canada-wide | Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | cleantech, municipality, energy | |
Green and Inclusive Community Buildings Program | Canada-wide | Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | municipality, | |
Green Freight Program (GFP) - Stream 2 | Canada-wide | Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | auto, cleantech, | |
Green Freight Program (GFP): Stream 1 – Assess and Retrofit | Canada-wide | Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | automotive | |
Green Municipal Fund | Canada-wide | Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | agri, northern ontario, municipality, non profit, | |
Greenhouse Technology Network (GTN) | Ontario | Capital & Tech Adoption Research & Development |
Yes | food, agri, cleantech | |
Grow Housing Production Capacity in B.C. | British Columbia | Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | housing, capital, tech | |
Healthy Hire Manitoba Program | Manitoba | Hiring & Training |
Yes | ||
IESO Conservation Fund | Ontario | Business Expansion |
Yes | agri, municipality, non profit, | |
Industrial Research Assistance Program (IRAP) – National Research Council (NRC) | Canada-wide | Research & Development |
Yes | software, | |
Industry Commercialization Associate Program (ICAP) | Alberta | Business Expansion |
Yes | ||
Industry R&D Associates Program | Alberta | Hiring & Training Research & Development |
Yes | ||
Innovation for Defence and Security Program (IDEaS) | Canada-wide | Research & Development |
Yes | ||
Innovative Solutions Canada (ISC) | Canada-wide | Research & Development |
Yes | media, software, cleantech, | |
Intellectual Property Ontario (IPON) | Ontario | Research & Development |
Yes | ontario, research, training, | |
Interactive Digital Media (IDM) Fund | Ontario | Research & Development |
Yes | media, software, | |
International Technology Partnership Program (ITP) | Alberta | Business Expansion |
Yes | ||
Invest Nova Scotia – Innovation Rebate Program (IRP) | Manitoba | Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | cleantech, supply chain, export | |
Invest Ontario Fund | Ontario | Business Expansion |
Yes | business expansion, cleantech, medical, life sciences | |
Investments in Forest Industry Transformation (IFIT) Program | Canada-wide | Research & Development |
Yes | covid, forest, cleantech, | |
Jobs and Growth Fund (JGF) | Ontario | Hiring & Training Business Expansion Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | cleantech, non profit, manufacturing | |
Life Sciences Innovation Fund | Ontario | Research & Development |
Yes | health, tech, life sciences | |
Low Carbon Economy Fund | Canada-wide | Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | cleantech, | |
Low Carbon Economy Leadership Fund – Industrial | New Brunswick | Business Expansion |
Yes | cleantech, manufacturing, energy, tech, software, agri | |
Manitoba Export Program Development (EDP) | Manitoba | Business Expansion |
Yes | manufacturing, research, media | |
Manitoba Industrial Opportunities Program (MIOP) | Manitoba | Business Expansion |
Yes | ||
Market Readiness Program (OCI) | Ontario | Business Expansion |
Yes | ||
Matching Investment Fund (MIF) | Canada-wide | Research & Development |
Yes | food, agri, | |
Mitacs | Canada-wide | Hiring & Training Research & Development |
Yes | research, university, collaborative | |
Mitacs Accelerate | Canada-wide | Hiring & Training Research & Development |
Yes | cleantech, | |
Mitacs Elevate | Canada-wide | Research & Development |
Yes | university, college, collaboarative, cleantech, agri, | |
Museums Assistance Program (MAP) | Canada-wide | Research & Development Business Expansion Hiring & Training |
Yes | municipality | |
NGen Advanced Manufacturing Projects | Canada-wide | Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | manufacturing, manufacturers, tech, software | |
NGen AI For Manufacturing Challenge | Canada-wide | Research & Development Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | manufacturing, manufacturers, tech, software | |
NGen Electric Vehicle Manufacturing Value Chain Program | Canada-wide | Research & Development Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | manufacturing, manufacturers, tech, software | |
NGen Manufacturing Program | Canada-wide | Research & Development |
Yes | manufacturing, manufacturers, municipality, non profit, | |
NGen Workforce Transformation Program | Canada-wide | Hiring & Training |
Yes | training, hiring, | |
NOHFC - INVEST North Program | Ontario | Business Expansion Capital & Tech Adoption Research & Development |
Yes | research, university, manufacturing, media, agri, collaborative, northern ontario, cleantech, | |
NOHFC - People & Talent Program | Ontario | Hiring & Training |
Yes | research, university, manufacturing, media, agri, collaborative, northern ontario, cleantech, | |
NOHFC (Main Program Page) - Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation | Ontario | Business Expansion Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | northern ontario, non profit, agri, | |
NSERC Alliance | Canada-wide | Research & Development |
Yes | university, college, collaboarative, | |
OBIO - Capital Access Advisory Program (CAAP) | Ontario | Capital & Tech Adoption Research & Development |
Yes | research, university, manufacturing, media, agri, collaborative, northern ontario, cleantech, software, cleantech, municipality, non profit, tech, auto | |
OBIO - Life Sciences Critical Technologies & Commercialization (LSCTC) Program | Ontario | Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | software | |
OCI - Digital Modernization and Adoption Plan (DMAP) | Ontario | Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | tech, ontario | |
OCI - ENCQOR 5G SME Technology Development Program (5G SDP) | Ontario | Research & Development |
Yes | software, cleantech, | |
OCI - Technology Demonstration Program | Ontario | Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | tech, ontario | |
Ontario Agri-Food Research Initiative (OAFRI) | Ontario | Research & Development |
Yes | agri, research, ontario, food | |
Ontario Automotive Modernization Program (O-AMP) | Ontario | Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | auto, northern ontario, | |
Ontario Creates Industry Development Program | Ontario | Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | ontario | |
Ontario Genomics’ BioCreate Program | Ontario | Research & Development |
Yes | research, biosciences | |
Ontario Human Capital Research and Innovation Fund (OHCRIF) | Ontario | Research & Development |
Yes | ||
Ontario Junior Exploration Program (OJEP) | Ontario | Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | ontario, mining | |
OSCIA - Honey Bee Health Initiative | Ontario | Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | capital, agriculture | |
OVIN - Connected and Autonomous Vehicle (C/AV) & Smart Mobility Program | Ontario | Research & Development |
Yes | ontario, training, automotive, cleantech, software, manufacturing | |
OVIN - Electric Vehicle Program | Ontario | Research & Development |
Yes | ontario, training, automotive, cleantech, software, manufacturing | |
OVIN - Regional Future Workforce Program | Ontario | Hiring & Training |
Yes | automotive, training, collaborative | |
OVIN - Talent Development Program | Ontario | Research & Development |
Yes | automotive, cleantech, | |
OVIN - WinterTech Development Program | Ontario | Research & Development |
Yes | automotive, cleantech, | |
OVIN (Main Program Page) - Ontario Vehicle Innovation Network | Ontario | Hiring & Training Research & Development |
Yes | ontario, training, automotive, cleantech, software, manufacturing | |
Palette Skills – Upskill Canada Program | Canada-wide | Hiring & Training |
Yes | hiring, training | |
Plant-Based Protein AI Project Funding | Canada-wide | Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | agri, tech, cleantech food, food | |
Plant-Based Protein Innovation Capacity Building Funding | Canada-wide | Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | agri, tech, cleantech food, food | |
Poultry and Egg On-Farm Investment Program (PEFIP) | Canada-wide | Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | agri, tech, cleantech food | |
Product Demonstration Program | Alberta | Research & Development |
Yes | forest, manufacturing, energy, tech, software | |
Protein Industries Canada | Canada-wide | Research & Development |
Yes | university, college, collaboarative, health, research, food, agri, | |
Quantum Leap Funding Program | Canada-wide | Research & Development |
Yes | university, college, collaboarative, health, research, | |
R&D Partnership Fund - Electric Vehicle (EV) Stream 2 | Ontario | Research & Development |
Yes | automotive, | |
Regional Quantum Initiative (RQI) in British Columbia | British Columbia | Research & Development |
Yes | non profit, collaboarative, research, food, agri, quantum | |
Regional Quantum Initiative (RQI) in Southern Ontario | Ontario | Research & Development |
Yes | non profit, collaboarative, research, food, agri, quantum | |
Responsive Advancement for Meat Processing (RAMP) | Ontario | Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | agri, tech, cleantech food, food | |
Rural Economic Development Fund (RED) | Ontario | Business Expansion Capital & Tech Adoption Research & Development |
Yes | northern ontario, cleantech, agri, municipality, non profit, | |
Rural Economic Diversification and Infrastructure Program (REDIP) | Canada-wide | Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | collaboarative, health, research, food, agri, automotive, manufacturing | |
Save on Energy | Ontario | Business Expansion Capital & Tech Adoption Research & Development |
Yes | research, university, manufacturing, media, agri, collaborative, northern ontario, cleantech, software, cleantech, municipality, non profit, tech, auto | |
SCAP – Advancing Agri-Food Processing Program | New Brunswick | Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | agri, tech, food | |
SCAP – Agri-Food Energy Cost Savings Initiative | Ontario | Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | agri, tech, food | |
SCAP – Agri-Tech Innovation Initiative | Canada-wide | Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | agri, tech, | |
SCAP - AgriDiversity | Canada-wide | Hiring & Training |
Yes | agri, hiring | |
SCAP - AgriInnovate | Canada-wide | Research & Development |
Yes | food, agri, | |
SCAP – AgriMarketing | Canada-wide | Business Expansion Capital & Tech Adoption Research & Development |
Yes | agri, tech, food | |
SCAP – AgriScience Program | Canada-wide | Research & Development |
Yes | agri, tech, food | |
SCAP – Biosecurity Enhancement Initiative | Ontario | Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | agri, manufacturing, | |
SCAP – Capital Infrastructure and Investments program (CII) | Manitoba | Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | agri, tech, food | |
SCAP – Efficient Grain Handling Program | Alberta | Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | agri, tech, food | |
SCAP – Emerging Opportunities Grant Program | Alberta | Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | agri, tech, food | |
SCAP – Farm Technology Program | Alberta | Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | agri, tech, food | |
SCAP – Food Safety and Growth Initiative | Ontario | Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | agriculture, food, agri | |
SCAP – Grow Ontario Market (GOM) Program | Ontario | Business Expansion |
Yes | agri, tech, food | |
SCAP – Growing Future Opportunities Initiative | Ontario | Business Expansion |
Yes | agri, ontario, food | |
SCAP – Manitoba Resilient Agricultural Landscape Program | Manitoba | Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | agri, tech, food | |
SCAP – Maple Production Improvement Initiative | Ontario | Business Expansion |
Yes | ontario, food, agri, | |
SCAP – Market Development and Access (MDAP) | New Brunswick | Business Expansion |
Yes | agri, tech, food | |
SCAP – Marketing Development Program | Manitoba | Business Expansion |
Yes | agri, tech, food | |
SCAP – Meat Processors Capacity Improvement Initiative | Ontario | Business Expansion |
Yes | agri, tech, food | |
SCAP – Resilient Agricultural Landscape Program | Ontario | Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | agri, ontario, food | |
SCAP – Product Development Program (PDP) | Saskatchewan | Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | agri, tech, food | |
SCAP - Research and Innovation Program | Manitoba | Research & Development |
Yes | research, agriculture | |
SCAP – Sustainable Agriculture Manitoba Program (SAM) | Manitoba | Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | agri, tech, food | |
SCAP – Value-Added Program | Alberta | Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | agri, tech, food | |
SCAP (Main Program Page) - Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership | Canada-wide | Business Expansion Capital & Tech Adoption Research & Development Hiring & Training |
Yes | agri, tech, food, cleantech, research, northern ontario, manufacturing, | |
Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) | Canada-wide | Research & Development |
Yes | research, university, manufacturing, media, agri, collaborative, northern ontario, cleantech, software, cleantech, municipality, non profit, tech, auto | |
SD Tech Fund | Canada-wide | Research & Development |
Yes | agi, software, cleantech, | |
Skills Catalyst Fund | Ontario | Hiring & Training |
No | northern ontario, | |
Skills Development Fund | Ontario | Hiring & Training |
Yes | ontario, | |
Social Enterprises – Investment Readiness Program | Canada-wide | Business Expansion Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | non profit | |
SONAMI - Southern Ontario Network for Advanced Manufacturing Innovation | Ontario | Research & Development |
Yes | manufacturing, auto, | |
Southwestern Ontario Development Fund (SWODF) | Ontario | Business Expansion Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | forest, manufacturing, energy, tech, software, municipality, non profit, | |
Strategic Innovation Fund (SIF) | Canada-wide | Capital & Tech Adoption Research & Development |
Yes | software, cleantech, municipality, non profit, | |
Supply Chain Stability and Adaptability Program | Ontario | Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | agri, for profit | |
Supply Chains and Logistics Excellence AI (SCALE.AI) | Canada-wide | Research & Development |
Yes | software, municipality, non profit, | |
Supply Management Processing Investment Fund (SMPIF) | Canada-wide | Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | agri, tech, food | |
Tourism Development Fund (TDF) | Ontario | Business Expansion |
Yes | municipality, non profit, | |
Tourism Growth Program | Canada-wide | Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | tourism, indigenous, | |
Western Business Scale-up and Productivity (BSP) Program | Canada-wide | Business Expansion Capital & Tech Adoption Research & Development |
Yes | forest, manufacturing, energy, tech, software, covid, | |
Women Ecosystem Fund (WEF) | Canada-wide | Business Expansion |
Yes | for profit | |
Women Entrepreneurship Strategy – Ecosystem Fund | Canada-wide | Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | for profit | |
Women in Skilled Trades Initiative | Canada-wide | Hiring & Training |
Yes | non profit, municipality | |
Youth Employment Program (IRAP YEP) | Canada-wide | Hiring & Training |
Yes | forest, manufacturing, energy, tech, software, covid, | |
Yves Landry Foundation Funding for Training Via the Government of Canada | Ontario | Hiring & Training |
Yes | manufacturing, auto, northern ontario, training, | |
Zero Emission Transit Fund | Canada-wide | Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | tech, software, cleantech, auto | |
Zero-Emission Vehicle Awareness Initiative (ZEVAI) | Canada-wide | Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | agi, software, auto, cleantech, | |
Zero-Emission Vehicle Infrastructure Program (ZEVI) | Canada-wide | Capital & Tech Adoption |
Yes | agi, software, auto, cleantech, |
Finding Canadian Government Grants for Business
Most business owners receive financing through banking institutions. However, they often overlook government grant funding for business activities from both the provincial (i.e. Ontario business grants) and federal levels of government. Canadian small business grants and other funding for small business is abundantly available. It’s important to know the different types of funding for small business. Fortunately, free resources can help sort through the funding landscape, including this Canadian Small Business Funding Guide.
Canadian Federal Government Funding News
Register for a Government Funding Webinar
Canadian government funding programs can support small businesses, large corporations, non-profits and post-secondary research institutions. However, the key to accessing these programs are knowing which ones provide the best fit for your organization and upcoming projects.
Find Canadian Government grants, loans, subsidies, and stimulus packages for:
- Hiring and Training
- Business Expansion & Exporting
- Capital and Technology Adoption
- Research & Innovation
Register for an upcoming Canadian government funding event to learn more about how funding works, how to navigate the government funding process, and support services to help develop a successful application.
Our team hosts frequent webinars and live events to help business owners and executives further learn about their funding potential. Register for a session to continue exploring business and export expansion funding.
Free Downloadable Funding Resources

Business Funding Guide
Get the complete guide to learning about Canadian government funding.

Navigating the Process
Follow this roadmap to the government funding application process.
Looking for Startups & Entrepreneur Funding?
If you’re a startup, the best way to align yourself for future government funding opportunities is by completing the Startup Funding Checklist. This startup funding resource provides priorities for all startups to carry out in order to be best positioned for funding.
Need Help Finding Canadian Government Funding?
Are you uncertain of your eligibility for any of the Canadian government funding programs listed above? We welcome businesses of varying sizes committed to innovation. To be eligible, companies should be incorporated for a minimum of two years and demonstrate net positive income. Specific industry-related criteria may also apply to ensure tailored support for enterprises with creative and impactful projects. If you are established, please send us a message or register for an upcoming small business funding event. From here, we can further evaluate your eligibility for specific Canadian government funding programs and help you choose the funds most optimal for your business’ growth plans.