Communitech HYPERDRIVE Accepting Applications

Earlier this summer, Communitech introduced the HYPERDRIVE program to help technology startups experience a new innovative avenue to scale their businesses faster and achieve market success. HYPERDRIVE is a $30M+ technology startup incubator program and is open to any business around the world. Communitech is one of Ontario’s Regional Innovation Centres (RIC), which helps distribute…

CDMN Canada 3.0: National Digital Media Business Event

Be sure to mark your calendars for Canadian Digital Media Network’s (CDMN) Canada 3.0 2013 taking place in Toronto on May 14th & 15th, 2013. The CDMN is a national network of incubators and accelerators that bring together government, industry and academia to accelerate the commercialization of innovation, which in turn creates companies, wealth and…

Canadian Government Tax Credit for Power Takeoff Equipment

Your company may be eligible for a tax credit if you own power takeoff equipment. Power Takeoff (PTO) equipment refers to auxiliary equipment of licensed motor vehicle that uses fuel, which includes clear diesel fuel, gasoline and propane from the vehicle’s fuel tanks. Eligible power takeoff equipment for this Canadian government funding may include: Cement…

Ontario Emerging Technologies Fund – Ontario Government Funding

The Ontario Emerging Technologies Fund supports the collaboration between qualified venture capital funds and other private investors into companies working towards: Clean technologies Digital media and information and communications technologies Life sciences and advanced health technologies This discretionary Ontario government funding program is accepting investments made alongside qualified co-investors. Any companies interested in investment must…

SolarLiving Show: Transfer Your Business to Clean Energy

The SolarLiving Show looks to provide expert advice and support for businesses that are considering the possibility of integrating clean energy systems into their facilities and operations. Recently, Canadian Government Grants for Research and Development have led to new developments by the University of Toronto in solar cell technologies.  These breakthroughs promise to improve efficiencies…

SOFII Government Funding for Investment in Innovation Release

SOFII Government Funding for Investment in Innovation Release

The Southern Ontario Fund for Investment in Innovation (SOFII), a Canadian government funding program, was first showcased in a blog in early July 2012. FedDev Ontario announced that this $20M investment, funded by their Prosperity Initiative, would support SME’s across Southern Ontario. The Canadian Government Funding program is  divided into two regional areas with involvement…

ICTC Career Focus Program

ICTC Career Focus Program

This grant funding for business subsidizes wages for graduates relating to IT work. The types of tasks the graduate would perform may include search engine optimization (SEO), software development, database creation and maintenance, building content and link building strategies. ICTC Career Focus: Changes to this Ontario Government Funding Program ICTC Career Focus has undergone a…

Southern Ontario Fund for Investment in Innovation (SOFII) Released

Canadian SMEs are paramount to Canada’s economic performance as they employ over half the nation’s workforce and make significant contributions to Canada’s GDP. Innovation is critical to the growth of Canadian SMEs, allowing them to create high-value job opportunities and shape a prosperous economic future in any community. With these realizations, FedDev Ontario has recently…

Broader Public Sector Investment Fund Submissions Due by July 2012

The Broader Public Sector Investment Funds initiative aims to increase the amount of Ontario foods purchased through municipal, university, school and hospital food services. This Canadian government funding program will encourage these institutions, Ontario producers and partners along the public sector food service value chain to be more creative, resourceful and ambitious in order to…

Ontario’s Angel Network Program – Tools and Services for Start-Ups and Small Business

The Ontario’s Angel Network Program (ANP) is an Ontario Government funded program that serves to create new Angel Groups in Ontario where none existed, and foster their success with initiatives and information to transfer best practices from successful Angels. ANP currently accounts for just one of the several Ontario Government Funding Programs for Start-Ups that…